The Person That I Like

After leaving the restaurant together, the couple headed back to the hotel.

Fang Su Jin entered her room and turned around to watch Zhang Yi Hai walking in nonchalantly. The man walked over to the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of water.

She and thought that Zhang Yi Hai would turn around and leave after sending her back to her room. Seeing him in her room made her wonder if this man was planning to spend another night with her. Last night, it seemed that Zhang Yi Hai had accompanied her to sleep as he was worried.

Fang Su Jin opened her mouth wanting to speak, however, she found that the words she wanted to speak were stuck in her throat.

Zhang Yi Hai finished his drink before turning to his girlfriend again. Seeing the way she was looking at him made him chuckle. He walked over to her side and pinched her cheek. "What are you thinking about?"

Fang Su Jin frowned as she pushed Zhang Yi Hai's hand away from her cheek.