Seducing Her

Fang Su Jin stayed with the family to have lunch together. Throughout their meals, Li Qin Yao chatted with Fang Su Jin about a lot of things. These past few months, their family has been busy. Li Qin Yao had to rely on Fang Su Jin to help Zhang Li Xue with her wedding preparation.

To thank Fang Su Jin for her help, Li Qin Yao continued to feed Fang Su Jin with a lot of good food.

This made Fang Su Jin shy. She glanced at Zhang Yi Hai and saw that he was whispering something to his sister. Noticing that she was looking at him, Zhang Yi Hai flashed a teasing smile at her.

Now that she was dating Zhang Yi Hai, Fang Su Jin became more reserved when she was facing Li Qin Yao. The elder woman was always very nice to her.

Perhaps, it was because Fang Su Jin was already very familiar with Li Qin Yao. Therefore, she was a little afraid to know Li Qin Yao's reaction once she found out that she was dating her son.