Are You That Happy to See Me?

The next day, Bai Xi Xi arrived at school and saw that Fu Chen had already arrived. The boy sat at his usual place looking very anxious about the basketball match that will soon begin.

Sensing her presence, Fu Chen looked up and smiled brightly. Bai Xi Xi's presence gave him such comfort. Earlier, he was still worried that Bai Xi Xi did not show up.

Fu Chen felt that without Bai Xi Xi around, he would not be able to calm down.

"Class Monitor, you're here." The joy in his voice was too apparent.

Bai Xi Xi was amused when she saw the glint of light in Fu Chen's eyes. "Mmm... Are you that happy to see me?"

Fu Chen coughed. "Class Monitor, I was worried that you might not come today. I can't be at ease without you around."

"What are you worried about?" Bai Xi Xi sat put down her bag and took a seat. "You will do fine."

A faint smile curled on his lips. "But without you, the team will lose one more member."