What Did You Tell Him?

Fu Chen was in the middle of English class when Teacher Ling appeared and tell him to head over to the headmaster's office.

The classroom turned quiet as everyone was wondering why Fu Chen was called over to the headmaster's office.

Bai Xi Xi turned to Fu Chen and looked at him with worry. She could already guess the reason why Teacher Ling was looking for Fu Chen, but Bai Xi Xi was still unaware of how Fu Chen was going to answer him.

She thought that there would still be time before the scout would come to look for Fu Chen. Unexpectedly, the people had come to look for him very soon.

Noticing his girlfriend's gaze, Fu Chen flashed him an assuring smile before he turned to leave the classroom with Teacher Ling.

As soon as Fu Chen stepped out, the students began to whisper among each other. Each was wondering if Fu Chen had got himself into trouble.