Going Out with Fu Chen's Parents

On the weekend, Bai Xi Xi woke up early morning to get ready. When she came out of the shower, Bai Xi Xi found that Su You Lin was awake and busy looking at her phone.

Su You Lin tapped her fingers on the phone to reply to a message before looking up at Bai Xi Xi. "Xi Xi, you're up early." Su You Lin had just woken up a few minutes ago and her mind was still groggy. "Ah, that's right. You're going to watch Fu Chen's game today."

Bai Xi Xi took out her clothes and spoke, "Mhm... Do you want to go with me?"

"It's alright." Su You Lin waved her phone. "My mom called earlier and said that they are going to pick me up later and play. Xi Xi, you go ahead and enjoy the game." She propped her chin with her hand as she continued to stare at Bai Xi Xi. "Moreover... aren't you going out with Fu Chen's parents this time?"