Ch-7 weed

(8 days has passed away)

In a bright sunny day , i got call from shakeel

he said , dude i found a land which located in Adilabad district, Trinathpuram village .

like you said it's has no phone connections,

even if you want to enter the village you have to cross 6km straight by barefoot, no vehicle can enter this village and this land is good for plants also .

(Anthony ) how much is it cost? and how much far from our city?

( shakeel) approximately 110 kilo metres form our city. And the land value is 5lakhs, but it's not a big deal i can buy it, but problem is we need more cash than that .

(Anthony) yeah i know! we need at least 30 lakhs to run this plan .

(Shakeel ) i can arrange another 6 lakhs.

(Anthony) ok ! leave the rest of the amount to me, i will arrange in 1 week .

(shakeel ) dude, are you rich ?

( Anthony hang up the phone)

Asshole ! i never should have join you, but it's to late to think about it.

(back to Anthony)

"19 lakhs" god dammed ,

i can't do any thing illegal now , because it's too much risk without a Trump Card .

i got a brilliant idea .

(shakeel phone ringing )

( shakeel) what the hell , he just spoke with me few minutes ago

( shakeel lifted the phone )

tell me Anthony, how can i help you ?

( Anthony) by chance ! do you know any casinos

(shakeel) I know ! but why ?

(Anthony) let's go on sunday, by the way bring your 6 lakhs.

(shakeel) whyyyyy? hello

( Anthony hang up the phone )

Anthony you asshole ( spoken loudly )

( 3 days has passed , the day that Anthony and shakeel going for casino )

(shakeel) Anthony ! have you ever played poker.

( Anthony ) no ! i never played it before but i practice it in home

(Shakeel) seriously ! it's a gamble house Anthony not a cricket stadium you can't play by practice, their is so much stuff you don't know, let me take care of this .

( Anthony ) no ! you will lose, let me take care of it .

(Shakeel) do as your wish , but don't cry after you lose

( After that , Anthony hit a jackpot in poker )

shakeel was doomed ,

(Shakeel ) what the hell ? how on earth did you win 20 lakhs in one game ?

( Anthony ) After seeing me all this time, how can you think, i enter casino without a strategy.

When i said we go on sunday, what was you thinking in your head ?

(shakeel ) i guess ! you have free time in sunday right .

(Anthony) wow Shakeel, i never seen such asshole like you . I said sunday because we have six days gap, you dummy.

In this six day i do nothing but practicing poker , watching poker shows , i learn some face psychology and watching poker game .

( Shakeel) What ! face psychology ? why did you learn that ?

( Anthony ) you big dammy ! because I have to know whether his good hand or not by his looks .

(shakeel ) you are something else dude.

(Shakeel was laughing )

(Anthony) back to the business shakeel, did you buy that land ?

( shakeel ) the registration and legal process should done by tomorrow.

( Anthony ) super ! make sure to put someone name in this property, if thing get ugly we might escape from that.

( shakeel) Roger that ! sir.

(Anthony ) how many families are living in that village?

(shakeel ) 25 to 27 i think !

( Anthony ) ok ! then explain the situation to villagers , talk to them like a educated person .

and distribute the money to the villagers equal, and bring some Candy's and toys for children's.

At any cost, stay away from the village chicks, i am telling you this again don't flirt with them . and buy a organic pesticides for 1 acre, and study the label of organic pesticides if any chemical compounds is used in that product, then don't buy it .

( shakeel) ok ok ! i got it .

Then next day shakeel did all the things like Anthony said, he even bring candy and toys to children .

every thing goes as Anthony plan.

Shakeel and Anthony visited the village .

(Anthony) Not bad ! Actually it's pretty good than i expected, Shakeel you have some good eye too.

(Shakeel) finally ! you realised my talent .

(Anthony) back to the business shakeel, buy some hidden cameras,

and put that in the entrance of the village .

( Shakeel) ok dude ! but what about the field work ?

( Anthony ) don't worry ! our Village friends will help us in this process .

( both are laughing)

(Shakeel ) how many days, it takes to harvest?

( Anthony) it may takes 4-6 months to reach harvesting . Beacuse there are five stages in this process first one is Germinating state it may takes 1-7 days , next one is Seedling state it may take 2-3 weeks, and the third one is Vegetative state it may takes 2-8 weeks,and the fourth one is Pre-Flowering state it may take 1-2 weeks, and the last state is Flowering state it may take 6-8 weeks time.

( Shakeel) dude! when i was in 12th grade my science teacher just spoke like you , oh sorry you just spoke like my science teacher dude.

why don't you apply a job for teacher job , i think it's suits you well .

( shakeel was laughing, like their is no tomorrow. )

(Anthony ) stop it Asshole !

( shakeel ) ok ! so we have to wait 6 months right .

( Anthony ) yes ! once our product release in the market then it will became best in the market . ( say's proudly)

Shakeel and Anthony started doing farming. in early days they struggle, but with the help of villagers they bounce back .

every day they use organic pesticides to plants and Anthony prepared some remedes for plants, by using cow dung, Dolomite lime,wood Ash he combine all items and he applied to the plants .

guess what ? it's work perfectly .

on day out of blue, Anthony asks Shakeel

"dude why are you obsess with money this much ?" after traveling with you all this time i realised you're a kind person , and please don't tell me money this , money that like stories .

Tell me your story ? which makes you into money obsess mission? i want that story shakeel?

to be continued.