The sand flowed faster and faster.
Aliya fell into the sand more and more quickly.
In a twinkling of an eye, half of her body fell into the sand.
Seeing that the girl's life was in danger, everyone finally knew why this place was called the "death desert".
"Hurry up! Let's get closer to Aliya and let her enter the halo!" Li Yi said decisively.
Everyone hurried forward and let the halo made of the toes bone of the whale cover Aliya.
Unfortunately, although it was a good idea, it couldn't stop Aliya from sinking.
The sand flowed quickly. Everyone was fine except Aliya.
"Why is that?" Seeing that her sister was about to disappear into the sea of sand, Wei was confused.
Aliya said, "I don't know. I feel like there is a mysterious force pulling me down!"
Turning to look at Li Yi. Wei said nervously, "Li, please think of a way to help Aliya!"
"Everybody, help me pull Aliya out of the sand!"