
Happiness. That was the one word I could ever describe the scene I witnessed in front of my eyes. It is priceless; the laughter and giggles are all echoing on the mansion's four massive walls. Adler's smile has never left his face til now how his eyes lit up genuinely to the reunion of his and family. He was beaming and grinning widely—what a family we have.

"Honey," mom called silently as she didn't want to disturb the others.

"Mom," I walked closely in her direction with questioning eyes. "What happened? I thought you were busy?" I added.

I realized that my mother ever since has been very busy but still managed to prioritize essential things like this and especially with the involvement of our family. She was terrific at balancing her time. If I were not her daughter, I can't even believe Regina Lockhart is the wife of William Lockhart, a multi-billionaire tycoon. She seems too simple.

"No, hon, I already canceled my supposed to be scheduled today. Adela has already told me about his arrival before you." she smiling replied. But what bothers me is the mischievousness in her eyes. I realized that there were questions she wanted to know furthermore.

"What now, mommy?" I asked with a frown on my face. I am nervous about what she will ask me. The unstoppable mischief in her eyes is the one to blame. Sigh.

She chuckled. She knew what I was feeling right now. She is standing confidently in front of me while I am anxiously waiting for her question. From having a distance, my mother came closer to me.

"Did you already confess?" she asked in a whisper. Embarrassed. I didn't expect my mother to know how I was in love with my best friend. I didn't want to be evident around others, so I tried to be civil despite the unexpected question my mom just popped. Although my eyes didn't still recover from that, I stared at my mother, to which I purposely showed my uneasy situation.

"You were transparent. You came from me. I know you. You can't hide that from me, honey." she proudly said.

Well, she's right. I might be too secretive about my feelings to my best friend. Perhaps my actions have betrayed me; they showcased too much affection inappropriate for being a best friend. Does my mother think I am desperate? I have been in this situation since I can't remember, but still, I haven't got the chance to reveal this hidden emotion.

Unwillingly I started to fidget my fingers. "Am I that obvious, mom? I can't find the right time to say it to him. I am afraid I might ruin this long-time friendship we had just because of my selfish feelings." I smiled timidly. My mother just stared at me, and with a nod, I understood what she already meant by that. The hopeless me were evident right now.

I can't recall how this feeling had deepened as time passed by. We were even separated for years, and still, these foolish feelings remain. How can I sacrifice this moment right now if I confessed and we don't feel the same? It may be that he only views me as her sister. The Turners have only three sons. Adler is the youngest. Their affection for me was obviously too much that they already treated me like a family. Since I was the only girl he knew from the start, it may be possible. Unconsciously I broke out a loud sigh.

"What's bothering you?" Adler's arms were slowly snaking through my tiny waist. My lips trembled. How can I overthink at this moment! It's a happy day. Wake up, Rovina!

"I-I am okay. There were just things I forgot to do today." I answered before I turned around to see his face. The doubt in his eyes was apparent. He was staring directly into my eyes as if he could tell if I was lying or not.

This is not the first time Adler and I have been this close. Too close, perhaps. We were even perceived as a couple by other people when we were together. I wish those perceptions were true. How can I reject this man?

"I'm okay. no need to worry." I slowly rested my arms on his hard chest. I was caressing it to assure him that everything was okay. I am flashing another smile to lessen his suspicion. The difference this smile is now genuine.

"What are you two still doing here? Let us go to the dining area. The food is getting cold." Total Adele announces.

"Let's go." Not moving, I grabbed his snaked arm to drag him to the dining. The seats were almost occupied, and only two have remained vacant. That must be our spot. We were seated next to each other. As I was to settle myself, Adler has moved the chair to assist me. He then followed and made himself comfortable. The dishes prepared at the table were all extravagant. It was not a regular get-together meal but more likely a fiesta dish. They were a lot to choose from, and mostly, it was all Adler's favorite.

"How was your trip, son? I heard the rain was too heavy. It's good that you are back here safely." A deep voice suddenly asked. Mr. Timothy's timid voice has echoed the room.

I broke off my sight to the plate as I gazed off at Mr. Turner and then back to my best friend, Adler. On his right, I can see Ms. Adele sipping her wine. Like her husband, she has also been waiting for her son's response. Everyone stopped with all the curiosities in their eyes. I nodded as a sign of agreement on Adler's father's statement.

"The flight was well, father. Although there were delays, I managed to arrive on the same day," he answered. He then looked at me and held my hand, tightly squeezing it. I smiled at his small gesture. His father's gazed stilled for a moment. The man, despite his age, still stands tall with his harsh perfect features. It's not undeniable that most of his genes were passed down to all of his sons.

"Hmm, it's nice to see you back, son," Tito said. He then showcased a timid and sincere smile. Everyone was satisfied, we continued to continue our dinner.


"Thank you for this day, Rovina. We apologized for you being the one who fetched our son instead of us." Tita Adele uttered.

"There is no problem, Tita. I also volunteer to do that. It's no biggie." I responded. I have also seen Adler's brother. I nod at them as a sign of goodbye.

I stand still as I patiently wait for my mother, bidding her goodbyes to the Turners. As I looked at my right, Adler was already staring at me intently. Closing the distance between us, he didn't even blink to get closer. Walk by walk. We've felt our presence closely.

"How are you, beautiful?" his hot breath hit my face. As I was about to answer, I was distracted by his hand. He was softly caressing the hairs that were covering my face.

"I had a great tie today. Finally, you're back. We won't do late video chats anymore." I chuckled as I remember countless late-night talks with him. His eyes glistened as he was seriously listening to what I was saying.

"Uhuh, I can see you every day now." he breathily said. I smiled as I already imagined what we could do now that we were close together. A list was made immediately on my mind as I brainstormed a lot of plans and to-dos with him.

"Yep, and don't forget to text me still. That doesn't mean that we're in line country now. We won't communicate like how we talked when you're away. Okay?" with squinted eyes, I stared at him intently. I know by this he will take my words seriously.

"Ruby, you know my weakness. When did I decline you?" He then nervously put his hands on my arms and started rubbing them. "Any more words from you, Ms. Lockhart?" he jokingly added.

I rolled my eyes playfully. He knew he could distract me easily. Why am I so susceptible to this man? I need to remind myself again that we're only best of friends. Thinking in advance will indeed jeopardize something. Now I realize how unfortunate to be in love with a person. Confessing is a tricky part. How can anyone quickly get a boyfriend and girlfriend? I silently cried at that thought.

"Honey, it's time now." my mom walked closer as her eyes were directed to the location of our car.

"Welcome back again, Adler. Every time we see each other, you always seem so different." silently chuckling, mom added.

"I hope that kind of different is a good one, Mrs. Lockhart." his response made my mom laugh at his joke.

"Don't worry, son, it is." mom winked at him. "I am going to go first to the car now, honey. Bod your goodbye to them now," she added. With that, I turned to Adler and smiled at him.

"Rest now. I know you are tired. We will just be going to call each other. Okay? " I jokingly punch him in his arms.

"Yes, Ma'am." Slowly letting go of me. Well, isn't he a cute dog? When can I own him? I thought.

Afterward, I bid my goodbyes again to the Turners. "Goodbye, Mrs. and Mr. Turner. Thank you for having us today." Not forgetting about their other sons. I nodded as a sign of acknowledgment.

"You are very welcome here, dear. Come again sooner. I'll be expecting you." Tita Adele said.

"I will surely will, Tita," I responded with a smile. Entering the car, I locked eyes with Adler. Making my hearts beat erratically beating. Badum. Badum.

I'm whipped.