
Tick tock, it was midnight, and the night was too dark that it successfully devoured the light in the sky. Lying in my bed, my mind wandered about the unearthly cat I had seen earlier. It's already past midnight, and I can't seem to take it off my mind. I had already counted sheep and drank milk just to be asleep, but it wasn't effective. I am sure that what I saw was true. The cat was big enough to be seen not just by me but for others too. I can't seem to understand why Adler hadn't seen it when we were just side to side walking with each other. I hadn't seen that kind of cat in my whole life. Indeed there have been numerous white cats present in today's species. But that cat was definitely different. Its white fur is comparable to the white snow you can see in winter. It's was shining, reflecting the moonlight the sky was illuminating. Its eyes were red where blood is the first thing in your mind that will come up—piercing your soul where one's can imagine its death by being judged by the mystery cat.

"Meow." With a low-pitched sound without any hesitations, I searched for that voice owner. "Meow.." as I struggled to take a step at the window, the nervousness in my system was attacking me. The mew was getting louder. It is as if it was telling me to open all the barriers inside so he could get in. I don't know how it was but with my initiative to see the cat is growing. It filled my heart and mind with anticipation. I looked back at my bedroom before me— was this really a good idea for me to open it? The coldness of the room was visibly felt, the fact that my heart was pounding hardly adding to my nervousness too. A low squeak was heard as I slowly opened the window. I stopped at seeing the cat I was thinking of all this time. I was right! It is indeed unearthly. Stunned about what to do, the cat jumped inside my room through the window. There I could see it wandered itself more like examining the room with its bloody red eyes. I instantly checked outside to see if possible owners were looking for their cat, but no one was there. At a slow pace, I close back the window. I find myself staring back at the cat again, where its eyes were already looking at me. It was already In my bed. I guess he knows how to settle itself. There was a tension I was feeling being alone with it. The cat was moving its eyes, tracing my exact movements towards my bed.

"Hi there, may I touch you?" I extended my arm to the cat's fur, I nearly touched it, but it suddenly spoke to me.

"No, I don't let peasants touch me." my jaw was dropped off until the floor. The arms I was extending were immediately taken back. My knees were wobbling, causing me to fall on my completed floor. I was about to shout when the cat warned me not to.

"Don't you dare shout or else...." h-how can this cat speaks? In my whole life, I've never heard a cat that can talk! What the, who is this cat...

"W-who are you. What are you doing here? And w-why can you talk?!" I started questioning the talking cat with my unfiltered thoughts. This is confusing me big time. There is just no way you can find a talking cat in the street easily. This is a rare find, plus it willingly invited itself to our mansion, specifically my bed!

The cat fell silent. It didn't bother answering my question. As if it was an innocent cat that can't talk and order people around with its sharp tongue. It was licking its paws and an unbothered cat. For it was busy, I readied myself to escape the room. I was slowly sliding my bottoms to the location of the door. Slide and glide, I was nearly successful, but the cat finally spoke again!

"You're needed in Alverna, Rovina. They have needed a new queen, and you're the one destined to sit on the throne." The cat has stopped sitting comfortably on my bed. It stood up and sauntered until it was in front of me.

I tried—I've been pranked in my whole life, but this was different. I released a boisterous laugh, and it echoed to the walls of my bedroom. I couldn't believe what he was saying! Although I am an heiress here of Lockhart's wealth and riches, I never expected to be a queen. I've never even heard about Alverna! Just where is that? Is it even a place or country?!

"Pfft, what are you saying? I am no queen and will never be." I am trying hard to suppress my laughter. It just seems so rude to laugh at the serious cat in front of me. Minutes passed, and still, the cat was starting. Its eyes were ridiculing how I looked pathetic right now.

"U-Uhm, wasn't I supposed to laugh at that?" Embarrassed—it seems like this was not a prank after all. But one thing I don't understand is why me? I am not a perfect queen material. I believe it is a great responsibility one must behold to make a significant change to its country. And I am not that kind of girl I would never be.

"I wish that it is a joke, but it isn't. The Alverna is a place that was always in peace and order. But since the last queen was missing, it turned chaotic." the cat said while slowly walking around me.

"Why me?! I didn't even hear about that place in my whole life!" I reasoned out that the cat's reasons are invalid. I want to understand things thoroughly. And how can I trust an unearthly cat, to begin with? The fact that it was speaking like an average person!

It strides towards the window; its white fur is swaying as it walks. The cat did not mind how there were many questions I wanted to know. "Find the answers for yourself. I'll be back before you know it, Rovina." as it suddenly jumped on our mansions window. I hurriedly checked if it was injured or not. Our mansion was not a tiny house, to begin with. Fortunately, it wasn't there. It vanished quickly than I expected.

"Rovina!" A loud, worried voice made me open my eyes. I took a long breath when I immediately realized I was awake. I was having a hard time finding the air to fill my lungs. With trembling hands, I reached for my mom's writing that we were constantly shaking me earlier just to wake up. I hugged her to stop her loud crying, placing myself in her tiny shoulder, thinking the reasons for her outbursts. Tears fell from my cheeks as my shoulders shook with nervousness and worry.

My head throbbed uncontrollably. I feel like a vein in my brain has popped. I unconsciously hugged my mother tighter. My head stings a lot!

"I- I was trying to walk up earlier. Your breathing stopped, Rovina! I was so scared my what would happen to you. My poor daughter!" Mom has been continually checking my body for some reason. "Are you hurt? What happened to you?" she checked my face closely as if it would be the last time she would see it.

I quickly remembered where I was. I just fell asleep as usual, right? Why did my breathing stopped? I don't know what was happening and why it happened. I was panicking internally.

Mom has already stopped from her crying. She gently removed her hands from my face. The sun rays outside were hitting my face harshly. I presume it was already noon and not morning.

"I am fine now, mom. Take your worries away now." I gently said as her eyes were still visible from crying. I forced myself to calm down. Where was the cat yesterday? Was it a legit scenario? It was talking ad was right her telling me to be their queen. I searched for possible evidence to back my deduction, but I found none. The white walls on my room and the familiar furnishings were the things that I only saw. There was nothing; not that can at least prove it happened to me.

"We should call the doctor." mom said as he was hurriedly picking up the telephone to the bedside table. I let her off that will take all her worries away.

"Prepare yourself, Rovina. The doctor will immediately come here." she stood up. I didn't seem to mind my mother's words, yet my mind was thinking about the cat and if it was true or not.

"I'll take your food here, honey. Get ready now." she stared at me while her eyes were smiling gently.

"I'll go now." As she closed the door quietly.