
Do you know that feeling when every possible unfortunate happening befalls you, and you accept every inch of it? If you were brave and strong, you could pass all of those challenges, but if you're not, life will f*ck you up. It is just like if you don't fight, it will completely devour you. It's been a long day today. Since the start, I felt like there was nothing right going on my way.

No one was out this evening; an eerie silence was walking around. I entered my new home; with the lights still open, I could see the silhouette of Kela that was playing and wandering around from the window. I kept my breathing calm, and it was not right to keep the mother and daughter constantly worried for my sake. I can't just let them be continuously looking after me like a little child. I also wiped myself from the beads of sweat on my forehead. In a situation like this, I need to prepare myself to look normal. I have to adjust my messy state — especially proving how typical this day is and without anomalies.

I entered the house as if nothing had happened to me earlier. I walked inside, ensuring that my body stance was not weird to look at. As I kept walking quietly, I saw Ms. Alena busy preparing our supper for tonight while her bubbly daughter Kela was busy with her playings.

"Good evening Ms. Alena." I initiated a conversation as she was busy with her preparations. She then turned around and greeted me back.

"We've been waiting for you, Rovina. You seem to be later than usual." she curiously asked while putting the plates on the table.

"Ah yes, miss, I dozed off at work—fortunately, Miss. Risa didn't mind it." I gave her a nervous response since she and Miss Risa were close. There might be a possibility that she will hear my nightmare earlier, which isn't necessary information to dig deeper into.

"I am sorry, Rovina, you must have been too tired from all the responsibilities." her eyes were looking directly at me. I noticed that she released a smile but with a stain of sadness. I admire how they treat me genuinely. Any average person cannot trust anyone they have just met, but this family is unique. I also admire how they are vocal about what needs to be discussed. And although they can't say something, they'll fail because their eyes give a lot of emotions.

It has been days since I started working at the small cafe of Ms. Risa. As I remember one time when I was mumbling to myself, I was able to think out loud about how to help the cafe to gain more customers properly. I unconsciously mumble words that are foreign to their languages. They even questioned me about how, where, and why I keep calling it a cafe. Why do I always forget that I am in a year when cafes or whatever are not yet present in these places.

On the other hand, going back to our conversation. No, I don't think I have the right to be unreasonable right now. I struggle at finding words to console her somehow. Even though chores have never been my forte, my life now needs my overall skills and capabilities. My parents taught me better. It is not enough that I will only use my brain and my gift because I have no other people than the family I am inside right now.

"There is nothing to worry about, miss. I am Rovina. I can make anything possible!" With a high-pitched voice, I tried to be jolly so she could assure me comfortably of my being and experiencing the new ways of life. Lifting my small arms, pretending I have muscles, this is the way boys do it, right? I chuckled as I held her tiny hands that were slightly rough; may it be she got it from all of her hard work. I caressed how my mother used to do it every time she comforted me.

"We are family, Ms.Alena. I ought to help you too and not just watch you do all the work here." I released a wholehearted smile. I had to remind myself that this was my new mother. Although we are not related, they adopted me genuinely. Hence, it made me happy. I figured that everything right now, although strange, I am still lucky enough to be in the right place.

"What are you two doing? Why am I not included in your mini hugging!" a small, loud voice thundered as I heard its little doorstep running towards us. Kela was making faces about her disappointment toward us. Ms. Alena and I looked at each other and laughed loudly as Kela was cutely interrupted us. What a cute ice breaker indeed.

"Sister Rovina, I have made cute little hearts out of leaves! You should see it after we eat!" Her little squeaky voice was jolly. As her eyes were sparkling, reflecting how excited she was about her new creations. I chuckled at the scene; ever since I was a kid, I never really experienced having a little brother or perhaps a sister with that I am doing a bond to. As I remember, I love having a little sibling beside me. Unfortunately, my mother had problems in her heart that even my successful birth was unexpected, more like I am their miracle baby. She has been through a lot to b with us go until now. The doctors even let her choose if it's her life or me and she chose to birth for me. Ever since my mom has explain and narrated her side of me not having any siblings anymore, I understood how hard it was for me to be born. I never asked anymore; I appreciated how hard it is to be a mother. I just admired and enjoyed Adler's company when I was alone. Luckily he fulfilled all of my curiosities about how it feels to have a sibling.

"Okay, now, little one. I will make sure to see every inch of it. Now chew your food properly." I chuckled as her food came out of her mouth due to her excited narrating.

"How have you been doing to your work Rovina?" Ms. Alena asked. I looked at her and smiled.

"I am doing fine, miss. I was still ignorant of how things are made possible, but I am getting the gist of it." Honestly, there have been a lot of processes to remember. I sometimes forget that there are a lot of techniques needed to be done to make a simple move. Everything is made with many procedures just to be done, and I was startled at first. Although it has been executed by Miss. Risa, already it takes time to make a replica of her food specialties. Although I am mainly in the cashier area, I like to explore the things that build the business. Even though I am still in school, my gifted mind allowed me to understand a lot more things than other kids do my age. And that makes my parents consent me to train under our companies. I have the background and knowledge on how to do business work, and I ought to help Ms. Risa and especially my new family.

"I heard that you are making changes in there. Risa has told me a lot about your suggestions." she happily narrated. She looks delighted with the news she heard. She's literally beaming with the information.

"Ah yes, I understand how to make the right tweaks and changes. It just needs a little help, and that's it. I did a small part of it only." I lifted my hands as I combed my hair shyly. I am slowly feeling the heat crawling up to my cheek. I am sure that I look like a tomato right now. Embarrassed. I never really get used to other people's compliments regarding business. I work alone, and if I ever need something, I'll forward it to my secretary. A mind works appropriately in its comfort place. And silence was one of my favorite. Satisfied with my remarks, we continued the supper throughout the evening.

I released a big sigh. I don't know what I am into. I am now in my room, sitting at the edge of the wooden bed. I remember the scene earlier. Starting from my nightmare and following is the girl with an obsession with the bloody red color. It seems that there is something fishy going on in the Anivor. I don't know what it is, but my guts tell me so, and it doesn't fail.

"If I made another mistake out there, I am sure that I am buried under 6 feet."

Dreed and anxiety chilled my spine as I recollected the even earlier. My body hairs were rising over me. It had been a few hours, and I could still write in detail how the red girl killed a man. It is impossible to possess magic, right?. I never saw anyone than her using it, but I can't be mistaken! What was it if it wasn't the use of magic?!