Real Matters

Ms. Risa dragged me out from all of the commotions. Going back to her store, she released my hands with force. "What we're you doing back there, Rovina?! Ms. Risa blurted out angrily. "Do you even know if you in an instant made a mistake, you wouldn't be able to come home again to Alena!" Her high-pitched voice echoed through her store. Her hands were shaking tremendously as she opted for it to touch and massage her forehead slightly. This was the first time she had seen her employer be this angry. For the past few days they had been together, the woman was calm and collected. Yet the scene earlier made her burst from her bubble.

"I-I don't know what to say." my mind went blank. After experiencing all of that judgment earlier, I couldn't register it in my mind still. The embarrassment of being pointed out wrongly was never a good idea. It was a shame I wasn't able to do anything. Since then, I was never fond of being questioned about my actions. I was never wrong in making judgments, and my people trusted me for that. If I were in my word, that general wouldn't have been seen anymore. How dare him!

"You of all people! Why did he suspect you in the first place, huh? Did you do something you didn't tell us about?!" Ms. Risa said nothing less. She was standing in front of me, waiting for her questions to be answered.

Rovina dragged in each breath." Please, I didn't do anything!" The overwhelming emotion Rovina is experiencing makes her fall from her knees. Her unshed tears earlier were now flowing out unstoppable, and her lips were quivering. The sweat and tears on her face were mixing together as she continues to sob loudly.

On the other hand, Risa closed her eyes tightly. She has been collected all these years, yet this girl crying in front of her just made her shout. This was the first time in her life someone triggered her to stand on things she must not interfere with, and it's all because of Rovina, her new employee. Releasing a big sigh, she grabbed a part of her hair and slightly pulled it.

"What have I done." she silently thought to herself. The girl on her knees was still loudly weeping—poor child. Without a word, she then crouched down to level the young woman's position.

"Hush now. I was worried for you, Rovina. You know that I have treated you more than my worker, and you are Alena's family, and I have felt the same way as they are. And if something happens to you, I will surely blame myself for it. You are on my turf. You are my responsibility. I hope you shall understand that." as her hands were tapping and carrying the young lady's back.

"I apologize, Ms. Risa. I didn't know how dangerous the situation was earlier." still sobbing, Rovina tried to stop her tears. She wasn't this type of girl who always cries. But she can't avoid it since her experiences here are all new to her. She wasn't that brave enough compared to how she perceived herself—she overestimated how mighty she was back in her world.

"I know I believe you. It wasn't hard to figure out that you were innocent, Rovina," she murmured. Ms. Risa has lifted the girl's face and scraped all the messy things on her face. Before she could utter another word, Risa hushed Rovina with her hands.

"We are over to that conversation now. Please get up. The floor will be messy from your tears. We won't want that do we?" she grinned as she shook her head. Her brows were raised as if it was waiting for the girl's response. Rovina released a smile. She nodded at the woman in front of her and made herself get up from the floor.

Rovina felt despicable. All through her stay here, nothing was going smooth. A lot was happening that she shouldn't be involved in, but it has occurred. Not to mention, all of the happenings were all of her being in danger and, worst, witnessing a murder case.

"Now, let's move past that. I'll give you the rest of the day to relax your mind. I am sure this happening has created some complexities and chaos. I'll let you go, for now, young lady." She checked my eyes and looked through them deeply. Her worries were visibly reflecting towards it. A new customer shattered the moment of silence between us.

"Go now. I'll handle everything here," she repeated.

"Thank you," I murmured. I nodded and started walking soberly and let myself get some fresh air. My emotions earlier were reasonable, but I overreacted. I might have been in danger if it wasn't for Ms. Risa. "I should have acted wiser. Stupid self." Out of all decisions I have made in my life that was my first failure. Who wouldn't act that way if they were in my shoes though? These last few days have just been chaos and failures.

It has been five hours since the last time I was in the unruly scene, and until now, I have been here in the same place I was when a

I was able to see that dangerous red girl.

"Argh, ... stop damn it!" I grabbed my hair as my eyes were tightly shut. Damn. My head was endlessly throbbing since I got here. My unfortunate situations have been popping inside my mind uncontrollably.

Crazy. This is the place where danger is waiting for her death, yet the serenity she can feel in this magical lake keeps her coming from the back.

"Hey." a familiar voice has interrupted my silent thoughts. I felt its familiar presence sitting beside me and did the same thing I had done; putting my feet on the lake while slowly wagging it back and forth.

"Hi." I smiled tiredly. "I guess Ms. Risa has already told you about it?" I asked the innocent little girl while playing with her soft hair.

Sigh. It's not that the scene earlier will be a secret to everyone. I have made a huge scene in the centralized area of this place and surely my adoptive family wouldn't miss the news.

"Hmm..." she looked at me over her messy and unruly hair while her eyes were screaming worriedness and curiosities.

Silence enveloped around us. We were listening to the low sounds of the waters flowing passed through the spaces it will meet. Minutes have passed before I spoke again.

"Kela why are you alone. How did you find me?" I asked the little girl for her mother was not by her side. Who knows what this forest offers other than the dangers I have been able to experience. She can't roam around without anyone to depend on if ever there is a situation. Indeed life is unpredictable. One second you are happy and then the next thing situation is you are probably in scare, danger, and sad happenings.

"I am not sure what happened but my Ina had told me to find you. This is the place that has come first in my mind when we can't find you in Ms. Risa's store." Kela answered as she was looking at me straight in my eyes.

"Are you okay big sister?" I needed that question. Have I been genuinely okay here? I have never realized up until now how respectable I am just to fit in here. I don't think people realize how big their words are. On how much strength it gives us to pull ourselves out of our misery temporarily. But sometimes, it is a way up to call for us that they are people who are genuinely interested in caring for us.

"Yes, I am. I am sorry I have been troubling you again." As I turned my head while answering her question. I secretly wiped the single tear that dropped beside my face. I just can't manage to keep that eye contact with her. It seems to have underlying words that are unsaid and still beneath within her young mind.

"It's okay we are here for you. What are family for right? My mom always told me not to leave behind anyone if it is a family. And since we are only two in the past we are only looking out for each other. But it's already different since you came now." Her cute little voice narrated as she was showcasing her bright smile.

I chuckled. Why do I feel like I am receiving some advice and half sermons from this little kid? Surely her mind is not like the other kid I have known, she's mature regarding thinking and communicating.

"She's right." Another voice also appeared out of nowhere interrupting our one-on-one conversation with this miss ma'am.

Slowly going I turned around and see Ms.Alena. Yup, definitely right about her familiar voice.

"Uhm, I don't know what to say. Forgive me ma'am for this unfortunate happenings again. It might be that I am some kind of bad luck that the worst things keep coming for me."

"I am disappointed," she said as her eyes were screaming anger. My hands started to fidget. Is this the end of me being adopted? Where could I possibly go if I'll be kicked out of their households?! I am silently crying, I'll be homeless for sure.