The beginning of something unimaginable.

Luke's Pov

Up until now I still can't believe what I have seen, it was still etched on my mind what happened earlier? I was hoping to fetch some woods in the forest to light up a fire to prepare for the night. Little did I know I would encounter something horrendous and at the same time preposterous.

I was busying myself getting myself enough woods to last for the night. It was quite far than the usual location I used to get mine but more woods means more fire life right? Anyway, the neighboring area has been short of woods so I came here to harvest one. A little help to those people who can't travel far isn't a bad decision after all. A sudden out bought me back to my reverie, "a fire! fire!" 

Without hesitation, I quickly run to the shouting voices of numerous people. I can see it. The big black smoke was spreading around the heavens as if it belong there.

"Water! Get some water now!" I said as I was desperately fighting to lessen the fire.