
It's been a while since I started walking my feet to go home to Ms. Alena'a house. I remembered the happenings earlier to what led the cat to find me here and leave me again.

"But why me!? I told you, didn't I? I am not capable of doing whatever the things you need me to do! I just can't!" I continued to cry loudly. Perhaps the unshed tears I was holding back on my few stay I am here are finally getting out relentlessly.

"Tsk, I told you earlier that we needed you. What part of that didn't you understand, Rovina." the cat impatiently said as its eyes were portraying the burning reflection of its emotion.

I didn't answer; I am trying hard to find the reasons right now if I can do what it said. Pitiful. That's how I felt from hearing myself in this current situation. Who would have thought I depended on my life to get out of here on a mere cat, a talking cat instead.