Taking Class

When Xie Tang opens the door she saw three people, and when she recognize the person who is seated at the middle of the office she was stunned.

Principal Li smile when he saw the stunned Xie Tang.

From the very beginning he never saw this lass having this kind of reaction. Every time he saw her, she is always in poker face and sometimes a normal face without any reaction.

But it didn't last, Xie Tang enters the room and walk forward. She's still pulling her suitcase and backpack.

"Glad you came safely." said by Principal Li. "Take a sit."

"Hmm.. yeah, thank you." her voice is still calm yet if you heard it clearly you'll hear a slight respectful tone.

She glance at the three teacher who are following her movements with their eyes. When the three teachers saw her looking at them, they were taken aback.

The way she looks at them were normal, yet it gives them something different that makes them nervous.

Xie Tang took a sit in a single sofa, at her front is the three teachers sitting in a long sofa and at her side is the desk where Principal Li is sitting.

The three teachers are curious as to whom this young girl might be. And their question were answered when the Principal started to introduce Xie Tang.

Principal Li couch.."This is Xie Tang, she came from the Capital. And now she transfer here and the reason why I called the three of you because I wanted to know if you're willing to take Student Tang to your class."

The three of them observe Xie Tang, but the only female in the teacher glance at Xie Tang from up to down.

Shiu Tang is wearing a white v-neck shirt and a jeans with a black boots that's look like a combat boots. She's sitting with her legs propped up rudely. She gives them a vibe of a unruly student with a bad attitude.

Then Qi Rong the female teacher remember the rumor that circulate inside the teachers office. There will be a transfer students whom have a falling grades and a returnee in third grader.

When she heard about it what she imagine is a punk gangster type student who look like a mess, yet when she saw this young girl in front of her. She is different from what she imagine, so different that's felt like she's a bandit, she's more than just a gangster.

And it's the reason why she doesn't want this student in her class.

"Principal Li."

Principal Li glance at Qin Rong, this was the Adviser or the Teacher-in-charge of Class 3.1. She became the Adviser of the star section due to her own ability and it's not easy to became an Adviser of a class especially here in Y.C First Middle School.

"Yes Teacher Qin?"

"I'm sorry Principal, but I won't taking this student in my class." she was firmly against Xie Tang being in her class.

She wanted to be awarded as one of the 'Most Outstanding Teachers in Yun Cheng'. If she had to take Xie Tang in her Advisory class, she will pull her class down, it'd lower her chance in taking an award.

"Ok." said by Principal Li without any thought.

Qin Rong was quite taken aback, she thought that the Principal will insist her taking Xie Tang. Because she could see that Xie Tang is not a simple person and might be wanted to enter the most privilege class, but it didn't seem so.

"How about you Teacher Bao?"

The Advisory Teacher of Class 3.2 look at Xie Tang once again and then to Principal Li.

"A... I..m sorry." Teacher Bao is quite ashamed, he wanted to take Xie Tang but if he took her, what he thought so the same as Qin Rong. She will pull down his students performance.

Although his class is not the same as the Star section, but it's still can keep pace with them in terms of studying, and he wanted them to study well.

Xie Tang didn't care about this, she will take whatever class she needs to attend it doesn't matter if it's not the star section or whatnot.

And lastly. Teacher Wang never leave his sight to Xie Tang.

He knew from the very beginning that the two teachers beside him will not took in Student Tang. That's why he's observing her from the very beginning.

He also heard about this Student. Whom without a good grades and always finding trouble and also a returnee.

"Hmm.. seems like Teacher Wang is the only option."

Principal Li, knew about this from the very beginning but he still tried of this two teacher will took Xie Tang. But to his disappointment they didn't took her.

"Teacher Wang, your already taking a lot of downcast students if you put her to your class she will pull down your class even more, you better thinking about how to improve your student grades. Principal, you should think twice in accep---"

"Teacher Qin! the students that you are degrading is still in front of you. Please watch your words." Principal Li cut Teacher Qin in saying things, it will not be good for the teacher and also for the school if Shiu Tang been offended.

He frowned, then look at Teacher Wang who is not talking and just looking at Xie Tang.

"There's no problem in taking Student Xie in my class. I'll definitely be responsible for her." Wang Dao is a person who doesn't judge or look different based on their aptitudes.

He always thought that every students has it's own bloom, that they just need a little push to give their better self. He never give up to this students. And although Xie Tang has a bad grade but when observing her, she was not bad at all.

She look so unaffected by everything and was practically unreadable if one could not detect her rebellious and stubbornness.

Principal Li smile for ear to ear. It is good that she is in Wang Dao's class, it will not be bad keeping her in that class.

Qi Rong frowned, but she's still felt relief when that bottomless child did not enter her class, Teacher Bao also felt the same.

"I'll be taking my leave then, Principal Li. And good luck Teacher Wang with your new student." she said with an arrogant between her eyebrows then leave the office. Teacher Bao bow first and also leave the room.

Principal Li didn't care about those two. "Xiao Tang say hello to your new teacher."

Teacher Wang was shock when he heard Principal Li's affectionate words toward Xie Tang.

Xie Tang stand up and bow to Wang Dao. Although she still have this uncontrolled cold presence, she still looks polite.

What an obedient and polite student! Teacher Wang thought to himself. The level of fondness of Wang Dao to Xie Tang sore high.

"Don't worry Xie Tang, I will guide you through out the year." and simply smile at Shiu Tang.

Xie Tang nodded.

Principal Li chase Xie Tang out and let her settle first in the school dorm.

"Teacher Wang, if there's something about Xie Tang please tell me first hand. Her Father is not here in Yun Cheng and she doesn't have any guardian here."

"Of course Principal Li."

"Hmm.. thank you very much."

Although Wang Dao doesn't know the relation between the Principal and the new student he still genuinely worried and care about Xie Tang.

He sigh, what kind of life does that child experience to be in this kind of situation.