Sensei: 2 ~ Heiligh Kingdom

~ Chapter - START ~

After the events that happened earlier, the summoned people (with Ishtar), had moved out of the church and they were greeted by clouds surrounding the mountain, in which they were amazed at what they were seeing, except Satoru who had seen something similar, yet better than this before.

Nobody had felt any different even when they were standing on high altitudes due to the effect of magic that made the surroundings safe.

And they stood into a pedestal, in which Ishtar chanted and cast "Holy Gate", which activated the pedestal and then it started moving downwards, like on those cable carts Satoru had rode back on Earth.

It seemed like there were students who were excited about this journey, thinking that they'd be fighting sentient monsters who are all evil. But first, they needed experience.

And Satoru had become observant to his surroundings, he wanted to take note of several things on the capital below, memorizing certain spots, and knowing that the castle was just below them.

It took them around a few minutes for the pedestal to arrive on a roof of the castle. Once it arrived, Ishtar immediately beckoned them to follow, and as they walked, Hajime had to move to the back to gain less amount of attention.

There was one, totally average student who wasn't noticed by the others except Satoru-sensei, and he was aware about it since they were summoned. This teenager was Kousuke Endou, or just call him Endou.

He thought that it was his ability that disallowed him from being seen by many, except certain people like Satoru-sensei, but he did not expect it to be this. He didn't know what this was, but he'll have to find out later.

Earlier, when Ishtar Lombard observed the people who were summoned, he firmly believed that the other "Teacher" of the Hero and his companions was very observant and looked held-back. They have never met eyes, but based on his expressions, which felt quite natural for him, meant something else....

Was their teacher the actual "Hero" all along?

Ishtar Lombard shook it off, he was being delusional, and thought that he needed confirmation from his god. Plus, the supposed hero was supposedly easy to manipulate.

In the present, the "Hero", his Teachers, and his Companions are in front of the royal family.....

~ PoV Change ~

Hm, so now I am here, in front of the royal family.

Judging by the way the king had kissed the back of Ishtar's hand as a sign of respect, I didn't need any other confirmation for.... "something".

So, I smiled, and I already heard some squeals from the girls that I wasn't familiar with, probably coming from the population....

... And then bowed respectfully in front of the royal family.

"Ah, no need to do that, Lord Teacher of the Hero, aside from that, I thank you for your effort on respectfully bowing in front of us, even if you people have a high status." The king calmly said, raising one of his hands and gesturing something good.

Once Kouki asked me where I learned it, I lied by telling him that I learned it while I was on Britain before I became a teacher. While in truth, I learned the nobleman's etiquette on one of my adventures on my 3rd summoning.

When I stopped kneeling down, which was appreciated by many people inside the castle, the Royal family had introduced themselves to us, and I made sure to take note to some of them.

Eliheid Sharm Barn Heiligh, the King.

Luluaria Sharm Barn Heiligh, the Queen.

Lundell Sharm Barn Heiligh, the Prince.

And the two princesses, Liliana and Maribelle Sharm Barn Heiligh.

There were also some people who introduced themselves, such as the knight commander Meld Loggins, and other prime ministers and people of honor.

It was quite eventful for them, though, as a banquet was announced to be held at night.

And at that time....

While I was observing the students, a voice had interrupted my observations.

"Toru-kun? Do you *hic*, have some time to spare?" It was Aiko's, and she looked sad and tired, probably from the events that happened earlier. She was also visibly drunk, judging by how she moved.

I nodded, earning a normally unnoticeable smile from the drunk petite.

But before I let her talk about something while she's drunk, I called for the maids to lead us to a room, and I must say, the room was decorated in a delicate fashion.

Putting Aiko on a chair, she finally decided to talk, but it was barely a murmur while grabbing my arm.

"Please stay with me for a while, Satoru-senpai..."

"No, I'll stay with you until this night had ended, until morning had come."

Aiko had been staring at me for a while since I had said that, so I sat beside her, all while she refused to let go of my arm.

I'd verily admit that her childishness and her acts of wanting to have the students happy and follow her was due to her loneliness at the earlier years. She was being bullied and mostly ignored due to her childish figure.

Her determination into having her students follow her and be guarded by her was both amusing and pitiful, she was also a good friend to me, motivating me when I was at a horrible depressive state.

Hah~ Too bad I couldn't marry her yet, but, I'll have to marry her later after returning to Earth.

Once she's asleep, I put her on the bed, and covered her with a blanket. Until I decided that I would have to sleep aside with her.

This day wasn't that eventful. But I had observed some things earlier.

The princess who introduced herself as Liliana acted more mature and was more mentally mature than the other princess and the prince. And Lundell had a childish attitude and was easily captivated by one of my students' beauty, interacting with her more than any other girl.

Well, maybe the more eventful days will be later. I was planning on going around Heiligh Kingdom to take notes of it if I had the chance.

It was best to know who were the enemies, and those who were the allies.

~ Chapter - END ~


Slightly edited.