Sensei 10: Uncle Satoru

[=] Chapter ~ Start [=]

Things were fine. At least, for now.

What I said to her was true. I did have a few jobs aside from just being a teacher. But... that's to be shown for later.

Right now, I don't see anything weird happening, aside from the fact that there were a few knights and nobles who looked incredibly pale and emotionless due to Eri's spell. Although that was the case, they still retain most of their personalities.

Also, the King was starting to become more erratic recently, focusing only on their god 95% of the time rather than his family or kingdom.

Trying to talk to him about his family or kingdom only made him threaten me to kick me out or worse, declare me a heretic. That... was just as expected. It was obvious that the strange, emotionless girl, Noint, who was supposedly one of Melusine's sisters, was the one to do it. Maybe there's more of her kind that did it? I saw a very few amount of emotionless nuns while going around the Capital City some time ago...

Hm, I see....

But I might need some more proof and investigation.

Before I tried to leave the castle, I heard some rapid footsteps coming from two children.


I turned around, and saw Lundell and Maribelle dashing towards me. Both of them stopped in their tracks once they were in a close enough distance between me. Lundell had a toothy smile and Maribelle had a soft smile.

"Ah, Prince Lundell and Little Princess Maribelle, were you?" I said in a straight face, tilting my head downwards so that I could properly see the children.

"See, he remembers us! We don't need to worry about having to introduce ourselves again!" Lundell shouted with a grin.

Maribelle only pouted, almost as if she felt like it was expected.

"So, what's those on your hands? Please let me see." I asked kindly, kneeling down so that I don't have to look down to them.

The two looked at each other, and with smiles, they nodded to each other.

Now I'm surprised.

When they showed the objects to me, I saw they they were wrapped in rather small gift boxes.

"Surprise! Whatever is inside the gift boxes, were made by us! Please open them, Teacher!" Maribelle said, then became nervous with Lundell.

Then, I opened each of the gift boxes, only to find both a wooden shortsword, and a small green ribbon the size of half my palm. These are nice enough.

[=] Line Break [=]

Lundell and Maribelle nervously looked at Satoru, awaiting for any comment that he would give them soon.

The tall uncle pocketed the gifts with a soft smile, and proceeded to take out a sheathed shortsword, a crown of flowers, and a necklace which had a small golden aquila, with a red gem on the center of the wings (*1).

"And these... are my gifts for you. The shortsword is for Lundell and the flower crown is for Maribelle. Take them." Satoru told them as they took the gifts.

Both of them treasured the gifts, though when they asked about the third gift, Satoru whispered to them that the gift was for their eldest sister.

Then, he left, not before his legs were hugged by Maribelle, who was already wearing the crown of flowers.

That went for a little while, before he actually did leave with a smile and a small gesture and speaking the words: "Treasure them to the fullest, and see ya later."

"Master Lundell, Princess Marie, you were both here the whole time?" A maid said, making Lundell show off the gift that was given to him, shocking the maid.

"Miss Nia! Me and Sister Marie have been given gifts by Uncle Satoru!!"

After a while of explanations, Luluaria allowed Lundell to keep the sword, as long as he doesn't harm anyone with it.

Lundell had given the necklace to Liliana when he got the chance, and told her that Satoru gave this to her as a gift. However, Liliana misinterpreted what Lundell had said after he left.

~] Meanwhile, in a dark room in an unknown location inside ..... [~

A woman clad in white robes engraved with golden markings stood in front of a small table, which had a mysterious crystal ball resting at the middle of it.

"It hasn't been a while since I've seen what unknown future lies ahead. After all, the previous future that was shown to me is incredibly grim, with the demon lord from the southern part of the continent pillaged, killed and did insanely horrible things to everyone here, only for the divined vision to end with a few vague scenes, one which included the holy sword and a twisted version of it being stabbed on the ground besides each other." The woman calmly said with a straight face as she approached the table and raised her hand above the mysterious crystal ball.

She closed her eyes, and focused on chanting at a very high speed normally incomprehensible by any normal human, and while she did, the crystal ball shined with a dark violet light.

Then, her eyes opened, to a familiar place.

She was on the holy mountain, and below her was Heilig Kingdom's castle and the capital city, which looked bigger than it should have been. Until, her body turned a by itself and noticed that the highest mountain in the north was completely destroyed. The holy church was gone.

"Dear Echt! Who or what could have done this...?!"

But before she could try to approach the destroyed Church, well at least she tried, but even a step was not allowed due to another blinding light that engulfed her vision.

Once the blinding light dimmed, she was greeted by a large open field under a cloudy sky.

She looked around, and what she saw made the woman become overtaken with awe.

On one side, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and mages from Hölscher, Heiligh, Ankadi and different other kingdoms were gathered, their flags being blown by the wind.

But, something unexpected and very unbelievable happened.

Many dragons, 148 of them, from the legends appeared from the cloudy skies behind the human alliance, and there were also beastmen and... demons, led by a red haired demon riding a white dragon.

It was.... unbelievable and impossible. They were all allied with each other?! The cloaked woman was speechless.

But, once she turned around, she was surprised to see that many mana beasts, all incredibly powerful, were all on the other side, plus, there's many blurry figures on the sky, all wearing armors and different weapons. At the ground on that side, a hundred thousand of demons were stationed, yet ready for battle, add the mana beasts and the flying individuals, then they are all a terrifying force.

Then, the skies started becoming clear, opening up an azure sky above.

The previously tense air became hopeful, and she was urged to turn around, to see an individual walking forwards with a massive sword on his hand.

This figure wore an armor that was elegantly crafted, and had large mana crystals on his armor's chestplate and spaulders. Aside from that, he did not wear a cape, and his helmet seemed to limit almost all of his vision.

The figure then put his hands on his helmet, turned it around, and before he almost took it out, she was forcefully brought out if her visions.

After a while, she immediately took off the white robe, to reveal that she was Queen Luluaria Heilig.

To her surprise, the crystal ball was now broken and could never be used. But, the vision was something she still fully remembered unlike the others.

".... I must consult with Pope Ishtar."

[=] CHAPTER ~ END [=]


*1: All of them are enchanted.