Sensei 14: For Freedom, For Freiheit

[=] Chapter ~ Start [=]

A group of 50 men approached the town, confused at the forest between the road that was suddenly here.

"Hey, what the hell happened here? Tsk, they all seemed to think that this would stop us, which definitely wouldn't! How laughable!" The leader of this group laughed, followed by the laughter of the other members of this group.

They proceeded more, only to find a town that was just recently rebuilt, as if it definitely became new. The townspeople walked around and conversed lively, as if there was not a single problem at all.

Was this some sort of illusion?

At least there weren't any walls that protect the town, but there were guards that patrol it. The guards don't look all that dangerous, even with their new weapons and armor that must have been rented from some stupid high ranked noble.

"Boss Hansel, let's just find that stupid subordinate of ours! They'll pay for sneakily doing something against us and your father!"

Oh, that's right.....

They approached the town with casual confidence, weapons drawn out, and even with the intense hostile stares from many townspeople, they kept moving.

Teenagers at the age of 15 and up, 57 of them, stopped doing their recreational activities when they are behind the Friedhoff members' and proceeded to tactically split up in groups and prepare the traps.

The hostile group leered at the women, at different ages, small or large, even a student from Satoru and Aiko's group, and Melusine, who casually walked around the town by Satoru's commands, and was seen as the most beautiful woman that the leader of the hostile group of the infamous criminal organization seen.

"Hey all of you, that blue haired girl, she's mine and mine alone. Do whatever you want, but don't you dare touch her, understood?" The rich looking boss said out loud enough, causing Melusine to stop for a moment, glaring coldly at the arrogant boss, before going back to walking around the town.

"Yes, boss!" The lackeys shouted, before following their boss towards a large building.

When the boss entered with 24 of his lackeys, the 25 other lackeys guarding the outside of the building, not letting anyone pass while making random conversations.

Inside the building, the leader of this group stood face to face with an old man.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor~! What a nice day to be alive for a little while more, right? Now, tell us who gave you all these new stuff you have here." The leader of the group raised his hand and pointed a ringed hand towards the old mayor, but the mayor was eerily calm, amd his reply only sent shivers down to the leader's spine.

"Who else, Hansel, son of the leader of Friedhoff? They were the Goddess of Good Harvest and, her husband, the God of Magic, who came here to lend us his hand when Echt didn't, no matter how hard we prayed. For freedom, for Freiheit." Mr. Mayer calmly said, before all of Hansel's men from inside the building had all dropped down, either headless or unconscious.

Hansel almost puked, but his frustration had made sure that he doesn't do that, and then almost tried using his artifact to attack Mr. Mayor.

Keyword: almost.

"I'm no longer the ruler of this town, Hansel. The new ruler is the God of Magic, Lord Mikami Satoru himself, though he doesn't want to directly rule it which is understandable, so he allowed my last daughter, Claire Mayer to rule this town. Now sleep, bastard." This was the only line that Hansel heard before he suddenly felt someone hit the back of his head.

Behind the fallen leader of the group, was the pale skinned Shimizu Yukitoshi, who had used a powerful Dark Magic spell to make sure that everyone inside sleeps. He was smirking just for this once, though.

Outside, many neurotoxic smoke bombs were launched towards the criminal organization members which made sure that all of them slept permanently. Heavy doses of these gasses would render one's organs completely stopped from every working, and in order to not let friendly fire from the dangerous smoke that were thrown, they all had countermeasures, such as the launching of different wind spells that would push all the smoke up and only up.

There were no friendly causalities just as Satoru planned.

The rest of the job was for the townspeople, because it was time to make an example for the leader.

"For freedom, for Freiheit!" One of the 15 year olds shouted, which were followed by his fellows to shout in victory.


"....." Aiko looked at the outside from the window of one of the buildings in the town.

There were a few unconscious people being forced out of the building, which were definitely the criminals from that organization Satoru told her.

She knew they were about to be punished horribly by the townspeople until they die at the end, with different reasons altogether. Aiko wanted to see more of this, but she forced herself not to do that. It's horrible for her mental health. Therefore she closed the window.

Satoru, how much has he changed since they were summoned to this world? At this point, she was worried about her best friend.

[=] Line ~ Break [=]


"AAAAAGH!?" Hansel was forced to wake up when he was splashed with incredibly cold water.

"Wakey-wakey~ how was your sleep?"

Shimizu said very condescendingly, before sitting on a chair in front of Hansel.

The Dark Magician was in charge of interrogating the leader of a group from a criminal organization, a job in which he was sure that he could do in a matter of time.

Shimizu knew exactly that he could just use his dark magic continuously to the man in front of him so that he could gain information easily.

But.... his sociopathic tendencies forced him to take this in a more physical way.

"Don't you know me? I am the son of the-"

"blah, blah, blah.... Shut up, as if I'd listen to some coward trying to save his own skin. Power? I don't want to take control of a group who will never listen to me and would most likely betray me. Wealth? I have enough to live alone for a long time. Women? I don't like used goods, I'd rather gain a woman for myself through normal means." Shimizu told Hansel in the most serious, threatening, and coldest way possible.

"Now, give me every information that sensei needs, or else I'll keep torturing you until you beg for death!"

It wouldn't be long until Hansel decided to give up every piece of information, useless or useful, for Shimizu.

It was tiring, yet it definitely was the most enjoyable thing he could have done.

Now, to get back outside pulling the near dead, broken Hansel.....

[=] Chapter ~ End [=]