Sensei EXTRAS 01: Satoru ZaSword (Episode One)

Summary: This Non Canon Extra features Mikami Satoru being summoned alone to Tortus. To explain it in smaller detail, he grew incredibly bored and just yawned at the concept of saving another world all by himself ONCE again after a single day. Therefore, what did he do? Satoru transformed into a persona and straight up travelled two years into the past of this world while letting an emergency clone do his job back at Earth.

P.S. Satoru The Sword/ZaSword may also be a parody towards [The Rising of the Shield Hero] and some anime with videogame mechanics.

[=] EXTRA ~ Start [=]

In a medium sized village at north of The Republic of Fuhren (The town named Freiheit at the canon storyline of this fanfiction), everything was pretty fine. Everyone was doing their jobs just fine, and the village is expected to become a town soon.

Until, something very unusual happened.

A golden streak of light fell down like a comet to the village at midnight without everyone inside it noticing, and at the next day, they are surprised to find out that a golden sword exuding a faint golden light was planted in front of the village's ruler's building.

Mr. Meyer, old and tired, had issued a request to anyone, that whoever successfully pulls the sword out from the road rules this village and that's his final decision even when his daughters said that they don't like the idea of someone different ruling the town.

So, many tried to pull out the sword, only to find out that they could not even budge the said holy sword.

Eventually, word spread outside, leading different people outside the village, and that was where things went way downhill.

[=] Two Months Later.... [=]

(Warning: Triggering scenes ahead)

Jeannette Mayer was hiding on the best hiding spot inside her father's building, crying silently as the sound of battle erupted from outside.

'A war, all just for a holy sword? How laughable....' Jeannette mentally told herself, and stayed there for a long while.

As the sound of battle became quieter, she was about to get out, until she heard the sound of the door to this room get opened.

At first, she thought that her sister had came back, until she head a foreign voice with her sister.

"Alright girl! Do as I say and then we'll let your sister go with you! Now strip!" A man commanded.

Once Jeannette heard this, she felt absolutely horrified.

Claire, her little sister, is about to be violated!

Due to that thought, something snapped inside her, which also awakened another thing outside.

"LET GO OF HER, BASTARD!" Jeannette quickly jumped out of her hiding place and punched the bastard that had already ripped apart her little sister's clothing.

However, the surprise attack only managed to annoy the man who had her little sister, Claire

The woman was afraid, so she backed off as the man let go of Claire, and started to menacingly walk towards her.

"That annoyed me, girl. Therefore, I'll just give you the greatest pleasure that you'd even feel! Rough. and. HARD!" The man shouted at her, before he charged forward and made a grabbing motion.

Luckily, Jeannette managed to dodge, and the wooden wall behind her was destroyed, allowing her and Claire passage.

She grabbed her little sister's hand and hurriedly ran away, out of this house.

"You can run, you can hide, but heed my words! There won't be enough time for you to do such a thing!" The burly man shouted, which sent shivers down their spine while they ran away.

But, once they opened the door to get outsife, a group of soldiers were already there, with their backs in front of them.

Seeing this as a chance to escape, Jeannette used all of her strength to keep running all by herself, and jumped.


Realizing that her sister was gone, she looked behind, and due to the realization and shock, she couldn't help but crash down to the ground.

".... Claire...?" She got up, and looked around her, seeing that she's completely surrounded, and at the house of the Meyer Family, her little sister was captured by the same man from earlier.

All that she had done was for utter naught, it was completely hopeless. Around her, the village's buildings were all destroyed except their house, nobody seemed to actually live here anymore. Right now she has choosen to give up, and almost sat down on the dirty path.

Well, that was until she touched the sword that remained planted for two months.

A new hope was rekindled, if she could pull out this sword, then.... what else should she do? The sword reached her chest whilst still being planted down, and it definitely looked incredibly heavy.

"So, what the hell is she going to do? That sword cannot even be pulled out or even budged! Hey, jump her if she fails to even pull the sword!" One of the soldiers shouted, "kindly" waiting for her to pull out the sacred sword.

When she grabbed the hilt of the sword after hesitating, the sword started to shine even more and the density of mana around the area became harder.

Then, she instinctively used both of her hands to try pulling the sword.

"... Do you wish for power to protect?" A soft, masculine voice inside her mind had asked.

"Of course!" She shouted out loud.

".... Is that so? Well then, your fate is sealed with the sword. Good luck, you need it to save this world eventually." The voice said again, this time, being amused by her answer.

"Changing user's class to: Swordsman, proceeding to reset stats default stats, placing Level 1 skills: [Sword Mastery], [Battle Flow I], [Growth Acceleration I], [Heads Up Display], and several more. Removing level cap, applying [Cardinal Hero System V3] to the user.... Complete. Binding user's soul to the [Sacred Sword SATORU]. Complete." The voice in her mind had said monotonously.

Power suddenly began to flow through her body from the sword, as if she was reinvigorated and gained natural reflexes.

Due to this, a sudden burst of energy and light blew away the soldiers of the Hölscher Empire.

This was an unbelievable sight to behold, so unbelievable that the burly captain of these soldiers suddenly felt weak.

And when the light dimmed, Jeannette Mayer was holding the [Sacred Sword SATORU], and she was looking at the direction of the man who wanted to violate her little sister.

Not knowing what changed, the man instinctively looked at his [Status Plate], only to realize that his levels were completely reduced to 1, and his stats were now just average.

".... This power... It feels so refreshing..... So this is the true power of this sword, huh...." Jeannette sighed out, when suddenly, the same voice from earlier interrupted her monologue.

"It's actually just point one percent, User Jeannette." It bluntly said, causing her to realize something so awkwardly. Having enough education, she definitely knew what this meant.

She's still pretty weak and was only capable of accessing .1% of the swords true power. What a drag....

Anyways, she had something to take care of.

A general of the Hölscher Empire, the one in front of her, took advantage of her sister and used her as a hostage, desperately pressing his sword to Claire's neck.

"D-D-Don't you dare move any further, or else! I'll kill her!" The general shouted in desperation.

"Save me, big sister!!!" Claire cried out.

Naturally, people would hesitate like stupid cops in a cliched Hollywood hostage scene, but Jeannette felt like she definitely could save her sister, she just needs to charge in.

And charge, she did.

Seeing red squares aligned on a slant that was normally not supposed to be on the general, the former village girl naturally cut all of the squares in a single slash, and pulled her sister away to her arms.

[=] Line ~ Break [=]

Jeannette Mayer, what an interesting individual.

I wonder if you could save this world from the actual big bad because I was just bored.

Also, I've actually done shape shifting into a sword for once. Let me say, it's on the 13th world, where I became Demon King.

Oh, yeah. There really was a time where I was wielded by the Heroine "Fukaba Yaegashi", the actual mother of a certain student of the earth from my timeline. She's an interesting individual, and I can always tell that Shizuku carried most of her personality.

Now, what else would lie in Jeannette's future then?

REJOICE, Tortus! For a story shall be written by me! A story, about a villager girl being forced into becoming the greatest hero Tortus has ever known! Prepare for some twists, though.....


Perhaps I should start interacting with my wielder for a long while, she needs that great comfort after suddenly being able to kill a living, sentient person. Multiple sentient beings, actually. Though, she's purely justified.

"Yoohoo~! I, the Guide Fairy, Oberon has been awakened! Nice to meet'cha...!" I appeared right in front of her as an 8 inches transparent fairy.

In her surprise, she tried to attack me by reflex, but her sword suddenly stopped just an inch before it hits my little body.

"Whoa! Careful there, girlie! You'd lose a guide too early in your journey to save this world~!" I yelled at her playfully, causing her to drop her sword/me and immediately cover her mouth in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry!" She immediately apologized to me, and in return, I hit her forehead with a soft, playful kick.

"Shut it. Now, who's the little girl beside you, Jeannette Mayer?"

"U-umu...! My name is Claire Mayer, Mister Oberon."

"I see! Let's all be friends, okay! From now on, as my job as your guide, wielder of the Sacred Sword SATORU, I guess your adventure to saving this world is going to start right now! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!"

It took a little while for Jeannette to realize what I meant, and then her mouth was completely agape.


[=] TO ~ BE ~ CONTINUED [=]