Senser 26: Fuhren Takeover (Part 2)

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

Malphas Strangeman, also Satoru Mikami's clone, had been on Fuhren for as long as since two weeks after the entire class was summoned here in Tortus. He was simply sent here to take over this republic and turn it into his own, and now, his plans were already almost done. He just has to eliminate and / or overthrow certain people if they didn't surrender.

Even so, he was just a clone with a mere fraction of Satoru's power, maybe around 0.8%.

Malphas observed a massive amount of dark energy bursting out from Hansen. Meaning that a transformation was about to begin.


The leader roared out in pain, as his body started to grow bigger and more monstrous. Several people who watched secretly looked away or fled.

After his transformation, Hansen roared out again, only this time, it's more bestial and filled with rage.

He's grown bigger, now being hunched and having black, cross-like bones protruding from his hunched back, like a graveyard. His muscles immensely bulged, and his clothing and artifacts seemed to literally fuse with his body.

Hansen's head had become more reptilian-like and he's very much wanting to eat someone right now.

"Whoa. I've seen way more bigger and more dangerous monstrosities than... this." Malphas commented, making the beastfied Hansen jump towards him.

Hansen truly became ten times stronger, Malphas could notice, as when he dodged a wild attack from his claw, a building beside him was immediately destroyed without much effort, probably killing whoever is inside.

Malphas proceeded to quickly hit Hansen several times, by hitting his side with a powerful sideways kick, his jaw with an upwards kick, and then proceeded to hit the former criminal organization leader with a barrage of fists, before landing a heavy kick that sent Hansen ten feet away.

"He's really durable..." Malphas muttered, before making a sidestep and grabbing Hansen's massive arm and slamming him towards the ground.

He wasn't done, as he dropped the people's elbow towards Hansen, and widening a crater that was already there.

Malphas then jumped away just before a powerful electric current surrounded the monsterfied Hansen.

"Just in time, all of you!" He shouted as a massive grin was on his face. Several soldiers had already approached his location, and aimed either rifles or enchanted bows towards Hansen, ready to fire if necessary.

A few other soldiers close to Malphas upon arrival took out their weapons.


A monstrous roar was heard, and the smoke was blown away from a wind coming from Hansen, who now had a malicious crimson aura bursting out from him.

"This aura, it's so scary...." A soldier beside him spoke, trying to take a step back, and Malphas only grabbed her shoulder.

"What the hell are you all being afraid of?! Weren't you all trained for this!? Rise! Stand your grounds!" Malphas strictly shouted, increasing the morale of his soldiers.

Although all of these soldiers were mostly beast men that were enslaved, there was absolutely no reason for them to stay weak, even at a beast like this.

The second round had begun. Arrows and mana bullets began flying towards the monstrous Hansen, however, a gem engraved on one of his fingers activated and created a barrier that surrounded him from all sides, protecting it from the projectiles.

Not wasting any time at all, Malphas approached Hansen and proceeded to deactivate it using an artifact of Satoru's making.

In reflex, Hansen swiped his arm towards Malphas, this time, he was three times quicker than how he was supposed to be when he became a monster.

But before he was hit, a holographic shield had blocked the strike, but is destroyed in the process.

Malphas then took a few backflips to get away, before pulling out two handguns and pointed them towards Hansen.

"Focus fire!" He shouted as he crouched down and started pulling the triggers on the handguns in rapid succession, his soldiers switching from melee weapon to firearms and rapidly fired towards Hansen for a few minutes.

Hansen was obviously being wounded rapidly around his reptilian-like body.

Having enough, Hansen roared for the last time and proceeded to suddenly run away, ignoring the pain that he felt, and proceeded to leave the building whilst leaving a path of destruction.

".... Now that was too sudden." Malphas commented, sighing as he reloaded his handguns before putting them away.

"Now..... what the hell should I do next? Pay the collateral damages? You know what? Proceed with the plan, we'll pay these damages caused by Hansen with his own leftover money."

It might take a while for him to eventually govern this republic, but not too fast, nor too slow. Just a single day alone would suffice.

"Sir, we've taken over Friedhoff and unfortunately, many deaths had to be done."

"I see. That's good."

"Sir, you seem deep in thought."

"It's nothing. Some sacrifices may have to be made, either unintentionally or intentionally."

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

A few carriages were heading towards Fuhren, possibly to take a rest and resupply.

Inside one of those carriages were a group of students and a teacher, all male.

A slightly pale skinned teenager was glancing at his driver, before looking at his classmates and teacher.

Having absolutely nothing to discuss, an idea formed on his head.

"Shimizu-san? Is there something wrong?" Aikawa, his classmate, asked.

"Yeah. We Armored Riders, unlike the Magical Girls on the other carriage, don't have official names yet, aside from "Kamen (Mask)" being replaced with "Soukou (Armored)". Hence the name [Armored Riders]." He replied, looking at his classmates, and then Satoru, who was completely nonchalant towards the atmosphere at this moment.

"Hm? What are you looking at? Oh, I see. You want a tip on making your official group, umu? Go figure it out or decide on it yourselves. After all, the mind of a youth is... really great at those types of things." He nonchalantly replied with a confident smile.

"Thank you, sensei!"

"Don't mind it."

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]