Wei Yang was ten when she first met her master. On her way back from school one day, grandpa Dong who was wearing an ancient Chinese costume, walked toward her. She stopped to admire the old man who looked like the old masters she saw on TV. He stopped in front of her and said "Girl you have grown. Do you want a master?"

The ten-year-old Wei yang who just left the hospital days ago after almost being killed by her mother looked up at the tall grandpa and shook her head. "No, my mummy will not like it". Wei Yang wanted to be a happy child like the children in her class. But whenever she approached anyone from her family, they either shun her or beat her. She stopped making attempts and become introverted ever since.

" I can guarantee your mummy will never know," he said

"Really?" her eyes lit up but dimmed in seconds. "My teacher said to not get close to strangers" she really liked this man. He didn't seem like a stranger to her.

"Ok, you know something, I will come to see you again tonight," he said and left.

Wei Yang wanted to say something, but he was already gone. She didn't even know how he left.

That night grandpa Dong came to her room through the window and took her out to the garden. He then made the garden her training center. Every night, he brought different types of weapons to train her with and taught her different skills in different fields of study.

She learned martial art, computer science, mechanical engineering, business administration, and all about the black market from him.

When she was eleven, he forced her into becoming the number one hacker in country A and made her take missions on the dark web. Her code name WY had caused a ruckus on the dark web when she took the mission which has been ignored for two years with no one able to successfully complete it.

The mission was to hack into the Mo group's database and steal a confidential report. She was able to successfully steal the report in 30mins. The Mo groups sent her a message to join their IT department after she completed the mission, but she rejected them. Ever since, they have been sending missions on the dark web, requesting her to take them. Meanwhile, they never stopped asking her to join their company.

When she turned thirteen, her master made her create her first robot. She made a robot that assists the doctors in attaining 100% surgery. The Mo groups won the bid in an auction held by her through her master.

They had sent her a request on the dark web to search for the robot creator, however, she declined the mission. That made the attentive Mo Ling tian became suspicious.