Kill her

She continued cursing until Ximen spoke angrily "Kill her"

Seeing the gun pointed at her, yang Ran closed her eyes and a tear drop fell.

"Yang Xi. I am sorry for not being able to fulfil my promise to you. I am sorry for not being strong enough to protect us. I hope you can live a good life after I'm gone" She whispered, but Ximen heard her because he squatted to her level to touch her face when a tear drop fell from her eyes. He was shocked. Yang Ran has never shed tears since the day she was kidnapped. When he abused her, she doesn't cry nor struggle. No matter what he did to her, she never shed tears until now. 'So her sister means this much to her, interesting'. He raised his hand for the person holding the gun to stop. He decided to tease her a little.

"Don't worry dear Ranran. I will help you take proper care of your sister after you die"

" You dare not touch my sister!" She roared with the little strength she had left.

" I love to see you this way. It makes my mood better" he chuckled. "unfortunately, you didn't give me the satisfaction for five years" he smiled bitterly. "It's a pity your father isn't alive to see you this strong, he would have been very proud of you. If you want to blame someone for the life you are living right now, blame it all on your father"

"My father? What has my father got to do with this?" He ignored her and changed the topic.

"Should I spare your life for the time being till I am able to lure your sister here? should be a very good idea. I can also keep you alive to be her weakness so she will be obedient just like you" he grinned widely.

He was too preoccupied with his thoughts to notice the almost dead girl pull out a gun from God knows where and pointed it at him. Before she could fire the gun, she was shot in the heart by one of his subordinate. She fell to the side with a small smile on her face. She was able to protect her little sister before she died.

Ximen roared after being surprised for seconds "Who asked you to kill her!" He kicked the guy to the ground and stumped hard on his chest.

"I wanted her alive!" he hissed and stumped on the man's chest again and again. The man gave a low grunt from the pain. "Go find me her sister. If you cannot bring her here, then give your head to code one to bring back!" he stomped off angrily. He needed to kill people to calm his anger. So he took a turn and went to the prison where he kept some unfortunate people who offended him blindly.

"Yes boss" code three who was just kicked and stumped on got off the floor and bowed with his face lowered. Hatred flashed through his eyes.

He killed her because he wanted to end her suffering. He knew she wouldn't be able to kill him with that gun that had no bullets. He had loved her ever since the first day he saw her five years ago. He had attempted to save her many times but failed. The security in the mansion was too tight, She was afraid of putting his life in danger so she stopped trying to escape. Instead, she made him relay messages to her little sister.