Finding WY

Inside a VIP room in De hotels in Misty city, a man as handsome as a male fairy wearing white shirt and pair of white trousers was sitting on a couch typing away on his laptop.

Opposite him sat another young and handsome man wearing white shirt and black trousers, lying leisurely on the couch pressing his phone.

Only the sound of keyboard being hit could be heard in the quiet luxurious Vip room.

A message notification interrupted the quiet atmosphere, followed by boisterous laughter.

The young man typing on his laptop raised his head to look at his friend who hardly finds anything funny watching a... video? on his phone.

"Lingtian, your little brother has finally met his match" still scrolling through his phone, Qi Mozi said.

"Another girl?" Mo Lingtian asked returning his attention to his laptop.

"Yeah, he was thrown over the shoulder... By a girl"

Mo lingtian's finger hovered over a button. 

"Now he's crazy over her. He promised to break up with all his girlfriends for her" Qin Mozi continue.

"Hm, it's good that he is serious with something now" Mo Lingtian said without much interest. He was having plans to send that third brother of his to the military after his work here in Misty city is done, however, since he has decided to change on his own, he would observe him more before he makes a decision for him.

Mo Ting was the most relaxed and unmotivated child in the Mo family. All he does all day long is hangout with the young masters of the Mi and Qi family. He made it his life mission to pick up any girl he finds pleasing to his eyes, even though he hardly slept with any. The total number of his girlfriends as at this month is approaching twenty. Whenever a member of the family lectures him, he runs to their grandmother crying his eyes out. Because Matriarch Mo has a soft spot for him, she would turn a blind eye to all his doings.

Although, Mo Ting lived like a spoilt brat, however he never forgot he was a Mo and acted like them in times of seriousness.

"Has Mo Lang found WY?" Qi mozi changed the topic.

"He is useless" Mo Lingtian said, still typing on his laptop.

"How could that be? Your investigation revealed that she is in Misty high. How long has Mo Lang been in that school for? Three years? Two years? He still couldn't locate her?"

"He suspects his class mate Wei Yang." He rested his back on the couch and massaged his temple. He has been searching for WY for almost seven years now with no luck. His link was broken here in Misty city.

Last week, his nephew who he placed in Misty City to search for WY four years ago told him his suspicions on one of his class mate Wei Yang. He immediately cancelled the meeting he had with some companies and rescheduled it to be held in Misty City so he could find her himself.

"All the search over six years finally bore fruit. Wait, how did you know the person is a she?"

"Lang said so" he said nonchalantly

"Can that brat be trusted? He only said he suspected her right?"

"We will see about that". Mo Lingtian closed his laptop and kept it aside. He took out his phone and made a call "Jessica, make changes to the conditions we are giving to the Lu cooperation" He dropped the call when he heard a response from the other end.

"Lingtian, why are you making things difficult for the Lu's? They haven't offended you have they? Will your grandparents approve of this?" Qi mozi asked.

"My company has high hopes for them. I want to see how they handle emergencies and Wei Yang, I want to be sure it's her" he answered and turned to stare out the window in deep thought.