Chess Piece

Lu Yan turned around with her face full of expectations to hear what she desired to hear the most.

Lu Rong smiled "Wei Yang"

"Stop it Lu Rong! Why are you picking on her again? I thought I already made things clear to you"

"It's your choice to believe me or not. Mo Lang likes Wei Yang. I heard him tell Qi Jun that this morning"

"B..but Qi Jun likes Wei Yang, everyone knows that" her lips quivered. She didn't want to believe it.

"Yes. Mo Lang said he never wanted to listen to his heart, until he knew Wei Yang was adopted by your parents. He said his family will be able to accept her now. That was why he decided to listen to his heart. Him and Qi Jun fought right there and settled after many punches. They decided to play it fair and see who wins her heart"

"No, you are lying to me. Lu Rong, why are you doing this to me? What do you stand to gain?" She asked with tears brimming in her eyes.

She had loved Mo Lang since the first day she set her eyes on him at the mall four years ago. As fate will have it, he was transferred to their school. Although he was very intelligent and takes first position every time; Except for when Wei Yang decides to take it from him, he refused to stay in any class other than the class that Wei Yang was in. Because of him she wanted to make a transfer to class five, but her parents refused.

No one knows where Mo Lang came from, but his bearing and mannerism automatically made people believe he belongs to the higher echelon of the society.

Her heart twists in pain whenever she tries to make him notice her but he didn't. She had done a lot of foolish things just to gain a second look from him, but all to no avail.

No wonder he refused to move from class five even when he is the most brilliant boy in school

No wonder he is always on Wei Yang's team, on projects, sports and social events. So it's because he likes her. She felt a pang of pain in her heart. She ran away covering her face, crying uncontrollably.

Lu Rong laughed maniacally after Lu Yan left "I told you. you can never run away from me. You are my chess piece, why will I allow you escape from my grasp" she brought her hand to her view and balled it in a fist in demonstration. "This is how tightly I hold onto you. You are my stepping stone to becoming the heiress of the Lu family. The day my father defeats your father is the day I let you go" Her face turned sinister.

She was not as brilliant as Lu Yan neither is she as pretty as Wei Yang. She has been jealous of Lu Yan since they were little. Their grandparents although don't display their love for their offspring except for Her uncle Lu Kang Song, there is no doubt they like Lu Yan who was their grandchild from their favourite son. But the stupid Lu Yan didn't know that. she thought her grandfather doesn't like her. Stupid.

She learnt how to become a scheming person because of Lu Yan. When her uncles and Aunts knew she was a scheming child, they told their children to stay away from her. All of these were Lu Yan's fault.

Although, people don't like her, her father loves her to the heavens. She helped her perfect her scheming abilities. Last night he told her to cause chaos in her uncle's family by using any of the two children. Either Lu Yan or Wei Yang. She is so going to do a great job, because she is like this all thanks to that adopted daughter. She wished she could manipulate Wei Yang too but that girl is too unfeeling. Staying close to her for too long triggers her fears.