Vengeful Soul

"Yes, she has been found. invitations to her welcoming ceremony and birthday would be sent to you." Lu Kang Song answered while beaming.

"Wow! that is beautiful. the Lu family shall be celebrating Tripple happiness in one day, that's excellent, congratulations!" another CEO said.

"That is a wonderful idea, I should celebrate this success on their birthday." Lu Kang Song nodded at the idea. He had not thought of that before, so this idea sounds better. His happiness could not be contained as he smiled broadly.

"What is going on, did CEO Lu lose his daughter before?" asked a confused CEO. He wasn't aware of what was going on, after all, he wasn't close a associate with Lu Kang Song.

"Yes, his daughter was switched at birth." answered another CEO who was familiar with Lu Kang Song and had heard the inside story. 

"Oh! that is so heartbreaking. The almighty CEO Lu has a flaw in his home too? for once I thought you were the most perfect being."

The sarcastic remark was made by the pot-bellied and fat CEO whom nobody knew when he walked in.

'He is asking for it,' thought the other CEOs.

CEO Lu laughed, "you are wrong, CEO Duyi. They are not my flaws at all, but my happiness. You wouldn't know how it feels to be happy with two lovely and considerate daughters since you only managed to produce one which was almost, if not killed already by the monsters in your home." Lu Kang Song mocked.

The others laughed and Mo lingtian's lips curled into a faint smile.

He has been watching the beautiful fight between the two men and was impressed by Lu Kang Song's ruthless and savage responses.

"Lu Kang Song!" yelled CEO Duyi "Don't you think you are going too far?" he glared at him. His face was red from fury.

Everything has been going downhill for him ever since his son came back. His wife and oldest son has been giving him a headache, pressuring him to kill his son. He had come here, hoping to be the winner because he already has an idea of what the Lu cooperation... his biggest rival would be proposing, thanks to his spy and Lu Kang Ming, but everything took a dive to the sea when changes were made to Lu Kang Song's proposal conditions.

He couldn't take the blow, so he wanted to annoy him and embarrass him but failed. Now his spy couldn't be reached. He must have been caught.

"I don't think so. I haven't even taken a bite from your thick skin and you are already this angry. You might really just blow up from fury if I start, which wouldn't be good for anyone here." Lu Kang Song said and shook his head.

" I will kill you!" he yelled and was about to rush forward with his mountain body when Mo Lingtian's voice was heard.

"Throw him out!"

"Yes boss," answered Johnny. He dragged the raging volcano out of the hall and literally threw him out.

CEO Duyi fell from the throw and stood up with the help of his assistant. He dusted his black suit which by the way had no dirt on it and glared maliciously at the door. "Lu Kang Song, I will remember this debt." He turned and left with his assistant who wanted to dig a hole and hide from the embarrassment.


After the meeting, Mo lingtian walked out of the hall and strolled into his suite where Qi Mozi was sitting with his laptop in front of him. "How was it?" He asked

"It's her," he answered

Mozi stopped typing on his laptop and set it aside. He turned to look at Mo Lingtian who was already making his way to the couch. "It's really her?"


"How did you know that?" 

Mo Lingtian passed the proposal copy to Mozi who scanned through it and raised a brow. "She is willing to give the Lu cooperation the new robot she designed? I thought she was going to auction it like she did in the past. She is being weird. She could have helped them in a different way."

"She is an unpredictable one."

"What do you intend to do now?" Mozi asked.

"Nothing," a glint flashed through his eyes. "She toyed with me for almost six years. what should I do to her?" he asked

Mozi snickered, "I haven't seen you like this for a long time, I almost forgot you are a vengeful soul."