General face


Vivian opened her eyes to her chauffeur saying to her "Boss we are here"

She looked at the brown Aluminum gate of Misty high school which has only the security men standing watch. It was almost time for closing hour, she waited in her car for the person she was here for.

Minutes later, she saw the students coming out of the school gate. Some boarded their family cars while others walked or rode their bikes away.

"Boss, she is out" the chauffeur said. He received the information through his ear plugs.

Vivian looked through the tinted glass and saw two girls walking side by side. One of the girls was pretty with straight black hear, small round face, large sparkling eyes, sharp straight brow, small pointed nose and red lips. Her cheeks held small fat that made her look cute.

The other girl has a general face you couldn't pick out from a crowd.

The pretty one was ignoring the one with the general face and making attempts to walk away from her with no success.