A way to kill Wei Yang.

Ever since his father told him that his wife wasn't simple, Lu Kang Song had been trying to probe her ever since, however, Madam Lu kept acting like she didn't understand what he was talking about.

Lu Kang Song stared at the sleeping face of his wife for a long time. He didn't know how much time have passed. He rose from the bed and went to the living room.

Lu Kang Song was sitting in the dimly lit wine bar when he heard light footsteps on the stairs. His gaze trailed to the stairs and could only make out the silhouette of a person because he put off the lights in the sitting room to think clearly about what his father had told him.

"Wei yang, is that you?" He asked as the silhouette got closer looks like Wei Yang.

"Hmm," she walked over to him and stood in front of the counter.

"Have a seat, don't stand like that" he said.

Wei Yang sat on the stool beside him staring at the wine counter.

"You can't sleep too?" He asked.