Tricky Operation

The aftermath of the blast was so massive that by the time Wei Yang rushed there and saw the badly damaged area, even though it was being taken care of, her breath still hitched in her throat.

For a few minutes, she was in a trance, staring at the car pieces that couldn't be recognized. The BMV was blown into pieces.

"Wei Yang, are you alright?" 

Wei Yang snapped out of her daze and nodded slowly. "I'm fine." She pressed a button on her watch and connected to Pipi. "Pipi, how is my father doing?"

"Master, your father... He is badly injured and is barely holding on to life. He needs an operation urgently"

"Ok, delay whichever doctor is trying to carry out an operation on him. I will do it myself"

"I understand master".

Wei yang ended the connection and took a step forward, but Mo lingtian held her wrist "Get in my car, I will take you there."

She nodded and followed him to his black car parked not far from where the blast happened.