Mysterious Pit hole

Wei Yang stirred awake and felt a heavy weight on her. She pushed it lightly but it didn't budge. She frowned and pushed the weight with force. The weight fell off and she was able to breathe well again. 

Trying to sit up, a piercing pain hit her on all parts of her body. Her face contorted in pain as she tried to recall why she was feeling so much pain. 

Remembering what had happened earlier, she immediately glance around in search of Mo lingtian. Since she couldn't see anything, she decided to search for him using her hands to feel around, but the pain that shot through her made her give up the idea of moving. She looked up and saw the twinkling stars in the pitch-black sky, there was no source of light in the sky to assist her. 

"Mo lingtian!" She managed to call, even though her voice came out as a whisper. 

"Lingtian?!" She called again.