Mouth-watering offer

The overlapping clicking sounds of keyboards that filled the room for a few minutes finally ceased, while on the screen the drones had also stopped shooting.

Wei yang's eyes were almost baring holes on the drone floating behind Mo lingtian like her eyes could shoot the drone down.

"Turn the drones against themselves if you still have desires to continue living." She commanded.

The fat man on the floor wanted to speak up against her command, however, nothing he said made sense because his mouth was swollen due to the kick he received from Wei yang.

He waved his hands to the air furiously, attempting to tell them not to obey, but got a cheek-numbing slap from Wei yang instead.

The slap was so painful that he wondered if her palm was made of stone.

Clicking sounds of the keyboards resumed again but this time, the war wasn't between humans and drones, but drones against drones.