Life in danger

The night that has been anticipated finally came. Wei Yang took Mae to a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. 

On getting there, Ximen was already waiting with a few men inside the building. The moment Wei Yang and Mae got inside, they saw the battered YangXi. Her hands were clasped together and tied to the fan on the high ceiling. 

Mae stood rooted to her spot. She couldn't believe the way her brother had manhandled YangXi. Her trousers were ripped in different places and her pink top was dyed red. There were patches of dried blood stains on it and fresh blood which Mae believed was just made a while ago.

Wei Yang looked at the person sitting in the middle of the empty room with a rolling chair. 

The chair turned to make him face them. Ximen, with a gun in hand and a few of his men scattered around the room, smiled at Wei Yang. "So it's you, my muse."