Shu Mao Mao in danger

At the underground castle, He Jiamin could be seen in the training center with the newbies. Suddenly Xena rushed to him with a phone In her hand. She handed the phone to He Jiamin with worry lacing her face. 

"What is it?" HeJiamin asked, however, Xena shook her head and told him to answer the call. HeJiamin took the phone from her and placed it on his ear. 

"Senior brother, please help!" Shu Mao Mao's cry for help froze He Jiamin on the spot. Her anxious voice sounded again and this time, it was obvious she was running. 

"Senior brother!"

"Where exactly are you? Do you know the location?" He Jiamin passed the care of the newbies to Xena and rushed off while still holding the phone to his ears. 

"No, brother, I am being chased and don't know where I ran into." 

"Tell me what you see." 

"I'm running towards what looks like an abandoned factory."