Innocent Servant

"Don't worry, we will find a way. Right now, you have to calm down so that you can think properly." While saying that, her hands roamed his body, teasing where needs to be teased, making the President inhale sharp breaths. 

"However, I don't understand. Why was he here?" She asked while still teasing him. 

"I– I don't know, probably to anger me?" He said with hoarseness in his voice that was starting to get filled with desire.

"I doubt that." She lowered her hand to the rod in between his legs. The President shivered when her hand came in contact with it. "Mo Lingtian wouldn't come here for no reason. Angering you might be because he caught us in bed, but why did he feel the need to be here?" 

That was a question the both of them can never find the answers to.

Stroking his rod back and forth, she changed the topic. "my Lord, when will you give me a real title?" 

The President moaned, feeling good, he answered. "Wait a little longer."