Yuri's revenge (1)

Mo Lingtian woke up a while after taking the antidote. He sat up and looked around the elevator. 

Michet Ten was standing with its eyes closed and Wei Yang… yes Wei Yang! He whipped his head around and saw her arranging her medical kit and sighed in relief. 

"For how long was I unconscious?" He answered. 

"I don't know. The time isn't working in the elevator." Wei Yang answered. 

Wei Yang joined him in a sitting position and they rested their backs on the elevator. 

"Noticed anything yet?" He asked. 

Wei Yang shook her head. " I didn't have the time to notice much, but it seems the elevator changes directions." 

Mo Lingtian pulled out his phone and saw that it was off. He tried turning it on but it wouldn't turn on. 

"It won't turn on." Wei Yang said and rested her head on his thigh.