The President's Dilemma

"Yuri, let that woman and her kids go." The President said once he walked into the sitting room.

"What woman?" Yuri asked. She glanced at the maid polishing her nails and waved her away. The maid bowed to Yuri and then the President before she left with the other maids, including the guards standing around.

"You know who she is, stop playing dumb with me! It was my fault, I cheated on you, so you can blame me, but let her and my children go, she is Innocent." The President walked to stand in front of Yuri with a frustrated look on his face.

He had spoken with the Prime Minister two days ago. He had thought the Prime Minister would obey him like before, but yesterday, he saw the news about the death of the Late General's daughter flying around. That was his leverage against the Prime Minister.

After the reason for the death of the Late General's daughter was announced yesterday, he no longer had anything to blackmail the Prime Minister with.