Torture (2)

The half sleeping Lu Yan was taken aback for a while before she regained her composure and shook her head. 

"If Wei Yang wanted to kill me, she could have done it a long time ago. However, even though she wants to take my life, I will not fight her."

"Do you know Wei Yang very well?"

Lu Yan nodded.

"How well do you know her? And what do you know about her?"

"Wei Yang is a kind person. She is cold on the outside but very kind and protective of her people."

"Does she have a weakness?"

Lu Yan nodded, "Yes."

"What is that weakness?" He asked in eagerness.

He had asked her all those questions just to be sure that the truth portion is working. 

"She is afraid of…" Lu Yan suddenly bit down on her tongue. She'd rather cut her tongue off than mention that name.

Seeing what Lu Yan was doing to herself, Mi Cheng quickly pushed her to the bed and got on top of her.