Qi Mozi to the rescue

Mi Cheng released bullets on his men, starting with his right hand man who had left his kneeling position and was about to rush at Wei Yang.

Every one was shocked, well except Wei Yang. She is a doctor and she understood a psychopath's way of thinking. 

Mi Cheng was never a person who trusted anymore, not even his family members. He is constantly thinking that someone is betraying him, especially when his plan fails. 

Recently, Mo Lingtian has been reducing his power so much that he no longer had any one left from other countries, except the gangs that are with Innocent Yang and those in the Capital. 

People, including Mo Lingtian had thought that inferno gang belonged to Innocent Yang, but never in their wildest dreams would they have known that it belonged to him, just like no one knew that Mo Lingtian owned DREAD which wasn't even known in the underworld.