They are here!

Three months later, Wei Yang was now in good shape to care for her kids by herself, so she took control and with Mo Lingtian's help, they lovingly took care of their babies.

Xiao Li Min being the troublesome child would never let a day go by without causing chaos.

With her pampas on, she would either be laughing, making faces, or ruining food.

She gives her parents the most joy and the most headache.

On this day, Wei Yang tried to connect with Michet Ten, but couldn't. She tried the other Michets too and even her grandmother's people, but couldn't get in touch with them.

Then she called her grandmother who told her she would also be trying to see what was going on.

Michet Ten and the others had bought them a lot of time– More than a year and they were grateful to them.

No matter what Wei Yang did, she couldn't find peace and this nagging feeling that a terrible thing would happen soon kept nagging at her.