Life Core

The smile on Wei Yang's face slowly disappeared as her face returned to it's cold nature.

The doctor walked out from hiding and stood beside Wei Yang.

"Ready?" She whispered and the doctor nodded.

She raised three fingers and slowly let each one fall after the other. The moment the last one dropped, the doctor grabbed the life plug while Wei Yang pulled a knife from her waist and stabbed his charging Core.

Unlike the other robots that could have died the moment their Cores were broken, Innocent Yang opened his eyes once and instinctively slapped the doctor away. The doctor hit a hard surface and fell to the floor.

Wei Yang was surprised for a brief moment before she quickly leaped into the air to dodge the recharging chair he threw at her.

Standing a few distance away, she stared at the furious Innocent Yang with narrowed eyes.

"You smelly human!!!" He yelled and threw another big object at her.