FINALE... Pregnancy!

A month after their honeymoon, Wei Yang went to Capital University. She received a warm welcome from the registrars and students she met at the registration office. 

Who wouldn't want a genius among geniuses graduating from their school? 

But it seems the Principal thought differently from everyone else. 

As a student of the genius class, Wei Yang was supposed to reside in the school, but Mo Lingtian objected. 

"She is a married woman, with two kids." He said. 

"But, Mr. Mo, you know the rules of this school well since you graduated from here," The Principal argued. 

"Mrs. Mo doesn't need the school to impact anything in her. All she is here for is to experience what it feels like to be a university student and she doesn't have to live in school to achieve that. Our kids are still too little for her to abandon for three years."