3115 A.C. (The First Age)

The grandstands were packed with family, faculty, friends and well wishers. Gersh Was seated with the rest of his graduating class for the TDF Officers Corpse. They were listening to the guest speaker who was giving a speech about how they would shape the future. Gersh could hardly contain himself and focus. His hard work had paid off and he had risen to the top of his class. When asked what assignment he wanted, Gersh didn't hesitate. "I want to be on the 4th planet expedition with Admiral Nergal."

The Commandant of the academy took the podium next. "Class of 3115, today's ceremony is a special one. Our next speaker needs little introduction. Please welcome Sed Farseer!"

The stadium erupted into excited applause as the elderly man walked onto the stage. Sed stood at the podium for a moment taking in the crowd, when his gaze fell upon young Gersh. He was familiar with at least part of the tension between him and Myrddin. Sed made a mental note to eliminate Myrddin from his speech as much as possible.

"Graduates of 3115, today I have a special treat for you. Thanks to some rapid developments in technology, it is with great pride that today I have a special announcement. Something that is going to affect everyone for the rest of their lives."

As Sed spoke, a low thrum started to fill the stadium. Gersh could feel the pervasive sound deep in his bones. He and other graduates started to look around. The sound soon became a low rumble as a massive shadow fell over the stadium. Flying overhead was the biggest ship anyone had ever seen. The sheer scope of it boggled the mind. *How can anything so huge be flying -inside- Terra's atmosphere?!* Gersh was having a hard time comprehending what he was witnessing. Sed's voice was almost drowned out by the rumble of the massive craft.

"This is the first of many future planned interstellar craft; I present to you, the Azilian!"

The crowd looked on in awe as the ship slowly made its way over the stadium. As they looked on, a small blue light appeared to one side of the behemoth. It swooped away from the Azilian and within moments Gersh could make out the sleek outlines of a craft. Its swept back wings were sharp triangles that extended slightly downward from the main angular body. It performed a few high speed maneuvers that should have crushed the flight crew. Soon the agile craft was hovering directly over the stadium and started to descend.

As it landed near the main stage, there was a faint warbling sound that filled the air. Gersh couldn't believe what he was seeing. A VTOL craft that used no thrusters of any kind! He sat in awe of the sleek design. A door on the side silently slid open and Admiral Nergal exited the craft. Gersh felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The very man he wanted to serve under was walking up to the podium. He and Sed shook hands and Sed stepped to one side. The Azilian was moving into the upper atmosphere with surprising agility as Admiral Nergal stood behind the podium.

"Graduates. It is my honor to welcome you all into the Terran Defense Force. Together, we will shape the future of humanity for ages to come."

The rest of the ceremony was full of the kind of pomp and circumstance one would expect. Honorable mentions and awards were handed out. Then came the moment when the graduates were called to attention. Cadre from the academy made their way down the rows of graduates, pinning their new ranks on their shoulders. When it was all done, the Commandant saluted the freshly minted officers, to which the 900 graduates returned the salute with the loud snap of their heels clicking together in unison. When the salute ended, the stadium was filled with thunderous cheers and applause. The graduates all threw their hats into the air, cheering and embracing one another.

Gersh was shaking hands with some of the officers around him when Damon approached him. Laughing, they embraced, slapping one another on the back.

"Gersh! It's been a hard few years. You did it, man!"

"I am shocked that you were able to graduate you slacker."

"Psht… I always knew I would get by on my good looks."

"Only because I was around to make you look prettier. You are in trouble now that you will have to rely on your own personality."

The two men laughed for a moment and set about finding their hats.

"So where are you getting stationed, Damon?"

"I actually have no idea. My info just says 'orders pending' or some such."

Gersh lowered his voice.

"The only time I have ever heard of that happening is when someone is being recruited into Intelligence."

Damon shot him a half hearted grin.

"That's just a rumor."

"I didn't think so until just now. I mean, seriously… isn't a prerequisite of being in Intelligence that you -HAVE- intelligence?"

Damon threw a playful jab at Gersh's shoulder. "You wound me, sir!"

"So what are you doing…"

Gersh was cut off as his mother and father approached with Myrddin in tow.

"Hey, Gersh… vid me later man. I need to go find my parents."

Before Gersh could protest, Damon vanished into the crowd. Sighing, he turned to face his family. His father shook his hand and his mother hugged him.

"So. You requested to serve on the expedition with Nergal."

His father wasn't asking a question, and his words stung a bit.


"Hmmp. 4 months in space with no real intel to go on. If you ask me, they could send a few more probes before we ventured out."

His mother stepped in. "Gersh, honey, we are proud of you. You went after what you wanted with a passion. And that is all we can ask of you."

She pulled her husband aside to quietly chastise him for his curt demeanor towards their son. Gersh looked up and could almost make out the dot that was the Azilian as it continued to climb into orbit. Myrddin stepped up next to his brother and looked skyward with him.

"She is amazing, isn't she?"

"Yeah. I had no idea the TDF was building something so massive."

"It was only possible with my anti-gravity drives and artificial gravity theories."

"Wait. What?"

Myrddin and Gersh looked at one another.

"That ship is my dream come to life to help you achieve your dream to explore the universe."

Gersh just stood looking at Myrddin, dumbfounded. The unspoken quarrel between the two brothers seemed to melt away in that instant. Myrddin glanced away from the sky to find his brother staring at him.


At a loss for words, Gersh grabbed his brother in a tight hug. "Thank you little brother. She is amazing!"

Myrddin started tapping Gersh's arm.

"Can't breathe."

The two brothers laughed as they joined the throngs as they all filed out of the stadium.