“I promise I will help take the nervousness away.” His voice turned a little husky as he said that. It caused her heartbeat to race but she diagnosed that as not her nervousness because of the heat that came along with it.

Looking at her intently, he reached out his hand and cradled her jaw. His touches were so delicate yet flaming hot. Somehow, this current experience was different from earlier. Was it because their moment in that bathroom was carried out in such rush? She admitted that she did not quite have the time to register everything that she had just experienced then because of how fast it had started and then ended. On top of that, there was the goal of wanting to annoy that so-called friend of hers. She could still grin in her mind as she remembered how Arriane’s face looked like seeing both her and Sam together.

His fingertips drifted behind her ear and his fingers combing through her hair.