Aron’s smile faded and the gleam in his eyes became serious and filled with concern. “I found about your condition. I want us to talk about it, Zary.”

Silence reigned for a moment. “I… can we talk about this next time? Please?”

“No,” he shook his head, grabbing her shoulders gently. “This is urgent, Zary. This can’t be delayed any longer. Look, I know I am still considered a young doctor, but I’m one of the best out there.”

She smiled. “This is not because I’m doubting you. Just by looking at you now, I wouldn’t even dare think you’re not someone great at what you do. You think I’d forgot you were a genius?”

“Then let us talk about this. No, please stay and I will –”

“Aron.” Zary cut him off. “There’s really something important I need to –”

“Zary. What else is more important than your life? Time is precious for you. No, this is a crucial moment for you. If this is about that Sam, we’ll just arrange for someone else to look for him. You need to stay here.”