A middle aged woman was the one who came to open the castle’s gate. She was wearing an apron and yes, she was not wearing ancient medieval maid clothing as opposed to the whole ongoing theme of the castle. She was just, well… she looks totally normal and there seemed to be nothing suspicious about her.

Zary sighed, scolding herself on what the hell was she even thinking. At the back of her mind, she was actually expecting that the woman might be dressed in some non-modern or medieval clothing.

“Yes? May I help you, miss?” she asked in a polite tone, giving a quick glance over behind Zary’s back at the rest of her companions and having a really curious expression on her face.

“Uhm… I’m Zarina and I am actually here looking for someone,” Zary did not bother to beat around the bush anymore and stated her agenda, “we are wondering if he might have ended up in this place. He’s tall and extremely handsome with golden hazel eyes.”