This chapter is dedicated to @MonsterUnderTheBed! Thank you so much for the supergift!

Zary found that she could not move. Her whole world went into a complete standstill as her eyes were glued to nothing but the silhouette that was standing before her.

Sam… the man that she had been looking for, longing for, seeing in her dreams. The man she…

He was right there, standing in her living room, staring back at her. And he looked so real as though he truly existed there in her home. This time, he did not look like an imagination or a dream. Yet she was still scared to even blink for fear that he might disappear again. Like those many other times over the past week which it actually happened.

Those golden gaze that had haunted her dreams for nights on end were so intense, a little darker than what she remembered they used to be in her eyes. And he looked… a bit…