CHAPTER 84 (Vol 2)

When he looked over his shoulder, his eyes seemed burning. But at the same time, he looked like he couldn’t believe a human girl had dared to throw something at him. Right now, he looked extremely speechless and Zary stuck her tongue out at him before she could stop it. That only caused his eyes to widen and then narrowed in pure disbelief, as if this was the very first time someone had thrown anything at his royal person and stuck their tongue out at him.

Something amused and dangerous danced in his gaze.

In an instant, he was back right before her again. This time he had grabbed her chin and pinned her with that cold and dangerous stare of his.

“Do you know what happens to anyone who dares to do such things to me? Huh? Mortal? Their tongues will get cut off as well as their fingers… in the blink of an eye.” He did not raise his voice but anyone who had heard him would definitely flinch at the serious warning in his tone and gaze.