4 - (Spoiler in title)

As the arrow hit into the target, it left a very loud noise resounding.

The next moment, as expected, another arrow fell from the sky. Su Tao figured that this would happen. He had already figured out that he needed to hit dead center to have been considered to have made progress.

*TWANG TWANG TWANG TWANG TWANG TWANG* Su Tao shot the bow hundreds of times more.

Every time he shot it, he would smack the back of the arrow with the body of the bow to change the direction.

*THOCK THOCK THOCK THOCK THOCK THOCK* The arrow hit the target almost every time. After hundreds of shots, he was now so perfect at shooting the bow that he was hitting less than an inch from dead center.

As he took another deep breath, Su Tao grabbed the arrow sticking into the ground. He shifted into his shooting stance which he had perfected over time. He aimed the bow, released the arrow, and lightly tapped the back of the arrow.

The arrow shot over towards the target with inhuman speed. It seemed as if it was going at a hundred miles per hour.

With a loud *THOCK* the arrow stuck dead center into the target.

The moment it stuck into the target, all the thousands of arrows which Su Tao had shot as well as the target disappeared into thin air, as if they had evaporated. The same happened to the bow in Su Tao's hand. For a few moments, calm had been restored to the world. He was simply standing in a seemingly endless field with the wind lightly blowing the grass and flowers.

Then, a random book appeared in front of him. There was nothing special about this book other than its color. It was a wicked bright green, the same color as his eye which had been struck by lightning.

Seeing no reason not to take it, Su Tao picked up the book which was floating in the air and opened it. It seemed to only contain a few words.

"Learn the way of the abomination. Do not mistake holy for good. Do not mistake wickedness for evil. Do not mistake kindness for good. Do not mistake unkind for bad.

The path of the abomination is holy and wicked. Kind but merciless. A balance of all that there is in this world.

Mercilessness is the only path to survival. Don't be fooled by innocence. Have clear eyes and a clear mind."

After this, there were no more words in the book. As such, Su Tao closed the book and put it away.

As soon as he put it away, the world around him changed. He was still in the endless grassland, but now there were people all around him. Also, an exquisite purple bow appeared in front of him. Next to the bow was a quiver filled with one arrow.

He had no idea why there was only one arrow, so he took it out of the quiver, but the moment he did, another arrow appeared in its place. It seemed to be a special quiver that held infinite arrows.

As expected, the laws of the world did not apply to this dimension, just like how the arrows had previously fallen endlessly from the sky, except he no longer only had access to one arrow at a time and they also came from a quiver.

He looked around, confused at why there were people standing all around him. All of them had weapons and armor, and they were all radiating an aura of someone at the third rank of the martial path. Any one of them was much stronger than he was and would probably be able to kill him very quickly.

But the weird thing was that all of them were not moving in the slightest, as if they were stuck in time. Su Tao was confused. Was this another challenge?

Following along with what seemed to be happening, Su Tao picked up the bow which was floating in front of him. But the moment he did so, roars sounded from every single person around him as they all launched themselves at him.

There was a total of three people and they were all warriors at the third rank of the martial path. Su Tao knew that he would most likely not survive attacks from the three of them, but he figured that the reason they were attacking him was because of the dimension.

As such, he did not try to reason with them. Instead, he took the arrow and nocked it on the bow.

As he pulled on the string, he met extreme resistance the likes of which he had not felt before. Even putting all the strength he had into it, he could only draw the bow to a quarter draw. But even then, he could feel the intense power that the mysterious purple bow contained.

As such, he aimed it at one of the people charging at him and shot.

The arrow flew through the air like a knife.

Then, a low thud sounded along with a low grunt.

One of the warriors fell to the ground with an arrow in his chest. He appeared to be struggling. The next moment, he grabbed the shaft of the arrow and ripped it out. He was only injured, not dead.

This was mostly due to the armor since even someone at the third rank of the martial path would be killed by an arrow from this bow.

Using this chance, Su Tao ran past the man who was now on the ground, trying to put some distance between him and the other two warriors.

He succeeding in doing so, but he knew that he could not run away from them. As such, he instantly turned around and shot another arrow, this time going towards one of the warriors' heads.

Contrary to his expectations, the warrior did not try to dodge or block it. Instead, he just let it hit him in the face. The warrior then fell to the ground, dead.

Su Tao was now suspicious. One at the third rank of the martial path would not die so easily. There should have been at least a ninety five percent chance of him dying, but instead, he had severely injured one warrior and killed another, leaving only one left to deal with.

But Su Tao did not overthink it, because the other warrior was now only a few tens of feet away from him, which would be crossed in an instant by one at the third rank.

Very quickly, Su Tao shot another arrow at the warrior that was charging at him. The next moment, it fell down dead.

The other warrior which he had injured earlier was now also charging over again, and he shot it in the head, killing it like the others.

This whole situation was too weird. It was extremely easy for him to kill them because they didn't seem to value their lives and only seemed to care about killing him.

Looking around, Su Tao noticed that nothing in the environment changed. The dead bodies of the warriors were still there, and he was still in the endless grassland. A few more moments passed and nothing happened.

As such, Su Tao decided that the challenge was not over yet and started to walk in a random direction.


He felt as if he had been waking forever. He had walked for so long that he lost count of the time. To him, days had passed, maybe longer. But still, there was nothing to see but the endless grassland.

He was exhausted. Although he did not know what state his body existed in in this dimension, he felt that he was on the verge of passing out and he was starving and thirsty. One could say that he had reached his limits in every way.

But still, he pushed on. Finally, a grueling hour of walking later, he finally saw something. As the sun beat down on him, he thought it might be a mirage. But after walking a little closer, he realized that it was real and not a mirage from exhaustion. Up ahead was a tiny lake. From side to side, the lake was only about ten feet wide, but then, it was still the only thing that he had seen other than grass and flowers for days.

As he got closer, he saw bushes around the lake. These bushes had berries on them. He felt as if he had been saved. There was food and water.

As he approached the small lake, he was delighted to find that it was drinkable, and the berries were edible.

As such, he quickly ate and drank until he was satisfied. After all, he had not eaten since he came into this weird dimension.

Time seemed to stand still here, and there seemed to be no night. As such, Su Tao simply took his shirt off and covered his eyes as he fell asleep. He had been exhausted, and he needed to sleep if he wished to survive. Up till now, he had not slept because he knew that if he did, then he would not be able to find food and water and he would starve to death.

He lay there for a few hours before finally waking up. As he woke up, he felt refreshed. Unfortunately, he did not have anything to carry the water, so he took many big gulps of it and filled his belly and took the berries in his pockets. After all, he had no idea when he would find a new source of food and it was better to be prepared.

Then, he set back off onto his journey.

A few hours of walking later, he finally saw another thing. It seemed to be a small village. Of course, he could only see it because of his new right eye which had twice as good vision compared to normal.

As he got closer, he saw people in the village. It was a simple little village and did not have much in it, but it seemed to get by.

The houses were made of wood, and there were trees near the village to supply that wood. Aside from the trees was a large area of farmland which would be used to grow food for them to survive on. Su Tao finally found other people.

As he approached the village, he could see the people going about their business like it was a normal day.

But then, suddenly, as soon as he got within a mile of the village, every single person there turned and looked dead in his eyes all exactly at the same time. This made him stop dead in his tracks, and he instinctively took a step back. He could see very clearly that every person which had their eyes trained on him wanted to kill him. Then, every single one of them all at the same time started running to him crazily, like they wanted to rip him to shreds. It was the same scene which had appeared with the warriors at the start of the challenge. It was as if their entire minds could think of nothing but killing him.

But this time, it was different. All of the people charging at him were normal people, and the highest cultivation among them was the first rank of the martial path, the same as him. On top of that, there were even children in the group chasing him. The only reason that he killed the three warriors was that he could not escape from them because they were faster than him, and if he did not kill them first, then he would instead be killed.

But with the group from the village running at him, he obviously did not want to kill them as not only were they of no threat to him, but they were also all innocent.

As such, he quickly turned around, but the moment that he tried to run away from the village, he found that he could not move a muscle, as if he was not in control of his own body.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his head. It was his own voice, but it seemed much colder and without emotions of any kind. "Mercilessness is the only path to survival. Don't be fooled by innocence. Have clear eyes and a clear mind."

These were the words in the book which he had read. But he ignored this voice and continued to try to run away from the village. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not move a muscle.

As such, he was forced to make a decision. He would either die here from not being able to run away, or he would fight these innocent people in front of him that had never wronged him to the death.

Kill or be killed. This was the way of the world, and he knew it, but he did not want to kill anyone innocent, especially children that were in the group of people.

He knew that he had to make a decision quickly, because the distance between him and the group of people was now half of what it was before, and if he waited much longer, he would be killed. After all, he could not possibly hope to fight against a whole group of people all at once, even if they were all commoners.

But they weren't commoners. They were almost all at the first rank of the martial path, and although none surpassed that mark, there was just too many of them. Even a third rank would die if confronted by such a group. Only when one reached the fourth rank and became a one star silver ranked warrior would one be able to fight against such a horde head on.

There was a total of a few hundred people charging over, and at this moment, Su Tao made his decision, and his eyes became cold.

Title in next chapter