15 - Second test (2)

On the ten millionth time, he was able to fully control his anger and act with only logic, and he used the anger that he felt to push his body to fight the way he wanted it to. But still, every time he was about to hit the guards, the situation would repeat.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind. It was his own voice, the same as the last time he was in the dimension. "Learn the way of the abomination. Do not mistake holy for good. Do not mistake wickedness for evil. Do not mistake kindness for good. Do not mistake unkind for bad.

The path of the abomination is holy and wicked. Kind but merciless. A balance of all that there is in this world.

Don't give in to desires. Don't be fooled by emotions. Harden your heart to sharpen your skill.

A demon is not fit to be called an abomination. A saint is not fit to be called an abomination.

Balance the chaos. Settle the scales."

He was granted a moment of clarity, and when he thought about it, these guards were likely not attacking Su Yue just because they could, but rather they were likely ordered to. But still, when he saw them grab her, he launched at them almost uncontrollably, but he managed to slow himself down before he reached them, and for the first time, he heard Su Yue scream because of it. Hearing her scream, it unlocked a new level of anger that he would have previously thought completely impossible.

His body acted on its own without giving him any chance to control it, and he hit towards the guards, which once again reset the situation. The voice did not echo in his head again, but he remembered the words which granted him a moment of clarity at the beginning each time the same situation repeated.

As such, each time, he was able to slow himself down enough to hear Su Yue scream, but the moment he heard the scream, he instantly was absorbed entirely by his anger and could not stop himself at all from attacking them, continuing the cycle.

After the hundred millionth time, he was able to fully stop himself from attacking them in the first place, but when he heard her scream, his mind was completely overcome by his anger and attacked without him being able to stop it.

He had now been in the second test for a ridiculously long time, and there was almost no progress that he had made so far. He did not even remember the past thirty seconds due to the permanent drunkenness that he felt. Every time he touched the guards, his memory vanished and everything reset in the test.

On the billionth time, he finally was able to stop himself after hearing Su Yue's scream, but only barely. He stopped just inches away from punching the guards, and his body was shaking and his veins were bulging visibly from the pure anger that he felt. He kept repeating one thing in his mind over and over again: 'Don't kill them, they did nothing wrong.'

He was only capable of thinking this because he was able to control his anger enough to think through why the guards were chasing and grabbing Su Yue, and he was conscious of the level of anger that he felt in the face of it.

As such, he knew that if he attacked the guards, he would try to kill them even though they were innocent. He did not know why he was having such heightened emotions or why his body felt so drunk, but he knew that they did not deserve to die for simply following orders.

He was only a couple inches away from the guards' faces, but they did not seem to notice him at all and instead continued to drag away Su Yue. She thrashed and screamed for them to let her go, but they did not. Instead, they seemed to have a solemn look on their face.

"I hate that the young master makes us do this shit for him!" One of the guards spoke and swore lightly to the other guard. Su Tao was close enough to hear it, though, and he understood what the guard meant. He obviously meant getting the women that the young master wanted but refused the young master. The other guard nodded in obvious agreement.

It was obvious that these two were sent to get the majority of the women that the young master wanted. In fact, they wore silver robes, representing that they were servants of the city master and his family, and they wore one silver star each. Silver star warrior slaves were a benefit only the richest families could have, and the city master also had two silver star slaves as well, but there were only a couple of them and could not be ordered around by the young master.

Su Tao noticed that they did not see him, so he followed behind them, still barely managing to contain his anger. His entire body was shaking violently from resisting itself and his veins all over his body were bulging gruesomely. His jaw was clenched and his teeth felt like they were going to break from how hard it was clenched.

But still, he followed behind them, stiff as he was and as much resistance as his body put on itself.

They dragged her a long distance, and she fought against them every step of the way, but there was no use. She was simply too weak. Su Yue was only at the first bronze star, the same as he used to be, but she did not have even a small portion of the skill that he had even before he got his new eyes.

There were several parts where Su Tao actually leaped at the guards, but he made sure to stay far enough behind them that if he did go out of control like that, he would be able to stop himself before he actually reached them, and it worked because he always regained control before he reached them.

He had also tried yelling at them to let her go, but nothing he did got their attention. He had even gone in front of them, but they just continued to walk, forcing him to move out of the way. It was as if he did not even exist for them.

By the time they got where they were going, Su Yue had already had chunks of her skin ground off by the rough gravel roads. They had dragged her a total of ten miles, outside of the boundary of the Su family. When Su Tao saw them dragging her like that, he had already attacked them many times, and he had to go through the process another five hundred million times before he could finally stop himself from attacking them even though they were actually hurting her.

But when he saw where they were taking her, he once again had his anger rise to uncontrollable levels, and he attacked them on sight of their destination, once again starting the loop. They were taking Su Yue to the young master's residence.

It took him until the ten billionth time to stop himself from attacking them when he saw the young master's residence. On top of that, he was able to get through the first part and her screaming without much effort anymore, and he did not have to constantly restrain himself from attacking them like he did before. He still felt that extreme anger, but he was in full control of it now, and he could use it the way he wanted.

He had to restrain himself from attacking them when he saw the young master's residence, but he was now able to control himself. He followed them into the residence, and saw them take her to a small cell in the back of his residence and force feed her a pill. He wanted to know what the pill was, but his question answered itself when he saw the cells on Su Yue's mangled legs start to rapidly heal, and after an hour, they were fully healed and looked just as beautiful as they had before.

After her body had fully healed, there came another person. This person wore full golden robes and had two bronze stars on them. When Su Tao saw this person, he instantly knew who it was. It was the city master's son, the young master of the city of silver sparrow, the most hated person in the city.

Su Tao had no ability to think of the outside world, so he could not remember that the young master had already raped and killed Su Yue a long time ago. As such, he did not instantly attack him on sight, but instead watched vigilantly.

He was sure that no one else in the world could have possibly experienced anger the likes of which he just had, and that this was unique to him, yet it always seemed to get worse.

Two people came with the young master, the same two guards that retrieved Su Yue earlier. They then went up to the cell and opened the door. Su Yue had already backed all the way into the furthest corner of the cell, with a tear stained face and an expression of extreme fear.

They then grabbed her once again and force fed her another pill, but this one was different from the other one. This one was bright red and seemed to even glow lightly. It brought with it an aromatic scent and a slight feeling of lust to all those who smelled it. Su Tao smelled the pill and was instantly filled with rage.

He knew what the pill was. It was an extremely dangerously potent aphrodisiac and was used to fill someone with such extreme lust that they would have sex with anyone they could. It was often used by rapists to get their victim to not resist and instead go onto them instead.

After force feeding her the pill, the two guards grabbed her by the arms and followed behind the young master, who was now heading back to his room.

Suddenly, Su Tao felt he could not move. His mind had become completely overwhelmed with rage the moment he smelled the pill, but he could not move to attack the young master, even though that was the only thing he could possibly think of right now.

Instead, his body seemed to float and follow behind them and into the room of the young master. All along, his eyes were locked onto the young master, filled with a terrifying killing intent that would instill fear into even the most hardened of warriors.

His mind was filled with a rage unlike anything anyone could ever experience, and his face was vicious, and it lost all its previous humanity and was instead replaced entirely with a beastly face, looking to tear apart the young master and torture him for all eternity.

If not for the fact that he could not move at all right now, he would have long ago attacked the young master blindly and without any hesitation. Even if he could control his anger, he would still attack the young master just because of how much he hated him right now.

His killing intent was so strong that it would terrify anyone who looked into his eyes.

Before Su Yue had even gotten dragged into the young master's room, her face was already red and there was lust in her eyes. This showed just how potent that pill was, to affect her so severely so quickly.

The young master walked briskly into the room. After him followed Su Yue, who was thrown in by the two guards. Before she had a chance to run away, the guards shut the door to the room and locked it. By now, she was already panting and had a blush over her entire body, which was feeling warm. She was trying her hardest to suppress the feelings of lust in her body, but it was quickly getting too strong for her.

She suddenly felt some wetness from in between her legs, and she also started to drool. Her whole body also started to sweat, and her sexual desire increased ever more. She tried to get out of the room with all she had, but to no avail, she could barely keep her mind off of the need for sex, and she knew that it would only be a few moments before she gave in.

At this point, the young master was on the bed taking off some of his clothes. His body was not muscular like most people's, but rather, it was flabby and he was slightly fat. At this point, he had already removed all his clothes except for his undergarments.

The young master was only fifteen years old, but he had been extremely sexual since a few years ago, and he had had concubines for a long time now, making people hate him even more. On top of that, he was not simply satisfied with the concubines; he also went after any beautiful women that he saw through the city, and no one dared to stop him unless that woman was a genius of a family.

No one knew why he was so addicted to sex, and they did not try to figure it out, and they instead just hoped that he would not go after them. After all, the young master did whatever he wanted in the city simply because of who his father was, and if the woman he went after was not important to the family in some way, he could do whatever he wanted with them. One such person was Su Yue.

Su Yue felt her lust grow ever stronger, and it was so strong that her undergarments were already soaking wet. Her whole body was sweating, and it was a beautiful blush red, making her even more pretty than before.

There was a bit of drool falling out of her mouth, and a sexual expression slowly covered her face, which was still desperate to escape. She tried to bang on the doors and knock them down, but nothing happened, and she finally could not hold it back anymore.

Su Tao was then forced to watch his sister pleasure the young master, who had forced her to do so under the effects of a aphrodisiac pill. Every second that he watched, his anger grew stronger and stronger, until the killing intent he was emitting would be enough to terrify even the most hardened three star gold ranked warriors to the bottom of their hearts.

Such potent killing intent was not something he should be able to produce, even if he was a gold ranked warrior, but the rules of this dimension did not make sense.

He did not care about this at all though. All he wanted to do at this moment was torture the young master to the brink of death, fully heal him, then do it again for all of eternity, providing infinite torture until the end of time.

He was forced to watch the entirety of their session, which lasted for hours. At this point, all the veins on his body were vulgarly bulging, with his eyes bloodshot and every muscle in his body pulling at full force, trying to break out of this unknown binding it was locked into. They had even started to tear themselves apart from the sheer force they were exerting.

Then, after the sex session that played out in front of him, the young master, who had pleasured himself with Su Tao's sister, took her now unconscious body and put it on the corner of the bed. Then, he got dressed and opened the door before walking out.

A moment later, the two guards came in and took her body with unpleasant expressions at seeing her condition. But Su Tao no longer gave a rat's ass about them. Instead, his mind was entirely taken over by hate, making his killing intent so strong that his pure white hair even gained a blood red tint to it.

He was once again forced to watch as Su Yue's body was taken out by the guards, who dragged it to the dungeon nearby. She was simply thrown in there into a cell full of the worst criminals in the city.

Then, he was forced to watch as they all raped her unconscious body until she finally died a few days later from starvation and exhaustion.

Seeing her death, Su Tao's killing intent reached a new level that was seemingly impossible to reach. His anger and killing intent had reached such a level that his pure white hair had gone completely blood red, and looked like a flowing river of blood.

Then, everything disappeared and he was once again forced to watch the same thing. This time, he was forced to watch it trillions of times, until he was able to completely totally and entirely control his anger down to absolute perfection, with no errors whatsoever.

In total, it was at least a few hundred thousand years that he had been watching his sister be raped over and over and over again, and every time his control got a little better, but it still took a ridiculously long time. Because he could not remember each time he watched it before the current time, he felt that only a few minutes had passed since the beginning of the test.

This anger he felt was something that could not be passed in terms of anything in existence. Nothing that exists could possibly make him more angry than he was right now, and if he could overcome it, then he could overcome anything and always act rationally and not emotionally.

After a few trillion times watching his sister be raped, he was able to maintain rationality even though he was so angry that no one could possibly have their mind withstand it aside from him. At this moment, finally, he was released from the unknown shackles that had prevented him from moving, and his sister and everyone that he had previously seen disappeared in a moment.

On top of that, the drunkenness vanished without a trace as well, leaving him calmer than he had ever been before. He felt that his heart was now completely steady in terms of anger, and that nothing could shake him.

He hated that whole experience, but he had to admit that it worked. He was smart enough to figure out that he would not be able to control himself in the face of such anger before the test, and therefore, he must have gone through the same thing many times until he learned to control it and he just couldn't remember that. After all, he was extremely smart.

He was just as angry as he was before at the young master, and it was still trying to overtake his mind, but it was simply impossible with the emotional amplification from the drunkenness gone without a trace. As such, he only felt as angry as he did before this experience, and did not pay it any more mind. His blood red hair returned to its normal pure white, his killing intent vanished without a trace, and he calmed down entirely.

Little did he know that this was only the beginning of the second test.