Lusts past. WTF no game no life.

Screaming in pain lust gritted his teeth in determination with thoughts of why is he even doing this in his mind.

"Pa..infull.. why.. why??.. why am I even doing this? is it because of lust or..?"


His screams stopped thus silencing the room.

This caused concern to fill deft face while corn clenched his fist hoping his decision earlier was a correct one.

Lusts body became pale as if out of his body.

He felt a familiar cold with darkness seeping near him He knew this feeling all too well.


His life flashed before his eyes even memories he long repressed resurfaced.

70 years ago during his last life

Starting off as a young boy he grew up like everyone else he woke up went to school played came home enjoyed family.

Like this his younger past until the first incident towards his lust filled life happened.

On a walk home from school on a normal day he chatted with his friend.His friend was rather suspicious that day he asked if we could walk a different path home lust nodded thinking little of the odd walk around.

Now on a bridge above a high way his friend edrick

grabbed him into a hug forcefully kissing him.

Before he could even be shocked by his best friend being gay he whispered something into his ear.

With eyes he's never seen edrick said

"I am bored... don't morn for me I did this not out of sadness but because of lack of will. Read my book if your interested who knows maybe you can accomplish my impossible dream. As if in a hurry he...


Lust took awhile to register what happened only when he heard a scream did he wake up. His eyes were most his palm filled with blood. Thoughts of rationality invaded his head as if the situation entirely his fault.

Looking down at the book in his hand he gritted his teeth" Fool what am I supposed to do now? I'm left sad alone in cunfusion Atleast you could've stayed.

Who knows maybe I would come to like you but now. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY OR IF YOU EVEN LOVED ME....

That day he lost a friend in it's entirety he even questioned how much he really knew him. Forget gay he didn't even know he was sad. This made him feel pain and loss Atleast before he knew him now he's left confused.

Several years pass through this entire time he has never opened the book. He knew once he did whatever was inside would be his responsibility to achieve. 17 years old he looked at the book finally he lost to his curiosity with a click he opened it.

unperceptible by the human eye a blue light went into his body

Dear Jackson, (That's Lusts name from his last life)

If you're reading this I'm sorry I have failed... Do not worry you however will not. In this book holds a DREAM one not of this world.

Their are requirements to inherit this so called dream which you happened to fit perfectly.

Drop a piece of your blood onto the book.

Due this and expect pain.

Anyway before you do so I want to say that I loved you. Ever sense the first moment we met. sadly this is not destined to be.

YOU ARE FOREVER UN TIED. Unable to stop myself from taking you just for myself I had no choice but to take my life. Had I not the life you will later dream of will be lost.

One last thing treat this as a friend's dieing wish.

Live the life you enjoy not because I said so but because you want to. Truly un fettered by ???

That is your DREAM

Lust started crying thinking his friend a fool."

Was it better to have a dream? or to choose? even if i could become God what's the difference from a life filled with love?

If I could have chosen... Well you knew that didn't you? As if realization he started sobbing his friends action started to make sense. Edrick spoke as if he knew or even seen this happen almost as if.

When he got to the last part he felt self hate.

Will the future me really be so ungrateful?

Ten minutes crying later he steeled himself and bit his thumb.

FINE show me what will make me do this to "him"

Instead of a world breaking scene only a light flashed before headache hit his head.

One word filled his head.


When he saw that he felt something break within him.


He didn't know what it was that broke. Weather it was his self respect sadness or a blood vessel. He just laughed in pain and irony...

I lost love because of



On that exact same day lust met up with a group of people having an orgy. Just like he thought he enjoyed it both being top and bottom.


53 years pass one death one new life.

His whole life flashed through his eyes he would be a lire if he said that he didn't feel pain and loss of what could be. But he would be even worse if he said he didn't enjoy lust.

Over the years he subconsciously withheld an answer to himself. Will he chose to sink in deprivacy or try at love. Deep white in himself he always knew the answer he just didn't want to forget his friend.

The pain that made him scream unable to move was ignored as he said as if laughing at the very multiverse itself.

"HAHAHAHhahahaha if I'm to go this path just as he said I WILL DO SO ON MY OWN."

Unknown to lust corn switched the blood vile with another. It wasn't poison but it might aswell been.

What he took just now was rank 5 ice fox bloodline.

This doesn't sound like much but in reality this would make people even above primal worlds mad in jealousy.

All be it the rank was low it was still classified as a celestial level bloodline not because of strength or ability but because of the perfect foundation one would gain.Even genius of genius still had a fair amount of problems with the first realm yet if one took this it would be smooth sailing. Almost a guarantee infact that the user would achieve the void realm at the very least.

Corn knew this but those already starting cultivation could not change their bloodline even if a person abolished themselves. Once tempered even a little the inner body becomes set thus leaving this impossible.

Lust felt his body become cold like ice along with a Itchy compressive feeling on his muscles, bones tendons and even organs. A few minutes ago by as he enjoyed this wonderful feeling only to be interrupted.

"Lust there will be time for you to cultivate later for now... How about a shower?" said deft pinching his nose.

corn laughed while lust ran to the bathroom glaring at them.

Corns face turned into a lustful one as he saw those perfect feet run into the bathroom.:

" Should we join him?.. I call dibs on his fee..."

Before he could finish he was wacked


Deft shook his head. *Can't this guy be serious sometimes?*

" As fun as that would be we need to pack. Remember we need to make him think himself strong before we make him realize he's weak. Otherwise he'll never know how strong he truly is."

Corn raised his brow "Why you telling me what I already know?"

Deft looked him in the eyes and said seriously:

" Because... your dumb"



His voice resounded through the local area.



Lust was in the shower fingering himself in wait for someone to join him when he was interrupted by a holographic screen.



|No game no life|✓ selected. . .

Lust freaked with a finger still in his bum:


The system ignored him

He felt a sense of void for a second before he felt gravity.

Unaware of his new strength he yelled like he's about to die


Author~ here ( Yep I'm lazy... I Did say I made this to fullil my lust right? or maybe that was my other work. Anyway I'm lazy and felt like just sending this out I hope you enjoy their will be alot of face smacking in this first world so I'm Gunna have fun with that. Expect the writing quality to go up on stuff like Fights, feet, sex, face smacking, dirty talk )