Arguing in hushed but angry voices woke Rosie up.

She peeled her eyes slowly, groggily taking stock of her surroundings. She wasn't in her bedroom. There was a plastic tube attached to her hand. Everything looked so white and familiar.

And Cedric and Aiden were in a tense face-off at the foot of her bed.

"This can't go on, Aiden."

"I know. But if we make security around her even tighter, she's bound to realize. She's slow, Cedric, but she's not an idiot."

Her head was killing her, her eyelids still felt so heavy and it was difficult to follow the conversation. She closed her eyes and would have dozed off again but the voices carried on, getting angrier and louder.

"I don't care. Heighten security. Place more people around her. Do everything you can until we catch the bastard."

"We are!"

"If Damon hadn't followed her, what do you think would have happened to her?"

"Calm down."