S1E6: Shop of Horrors / An Unexpected Meeting, Part 2

I then air some concern.

"But hey, where'd Gershwin, CJ, and Nolan go?"

Little do we know that the three in question are sealed inside a huge floating tin can.

Christian gets pragmatic.

"Now is the best time for inspection. Let's go!"

We five all inspect the rest of this shop's first floor.

Grocery items are neatly arranged in every aisle we inspect...

...until we chance upon the canned meat section.

The disembodied voice broadcasts again.

"And now for the second item!"

By instinct, I state...

"Hey, I know what you'll be presenting!"

"So you know what I'll be presenting, eh? Then perish!"

Christian bursts out, "Another one of those object-shaped minions that trap people inside?"

I just quip, "Man, these things inside really get scarier every time."

Juniper and Bearwin ready their weapons.

"No time to soil our pants. En garde!"


[Battle: Tin Can of Fear]

Party: Benoit, Christian, Juniper, Bearwin, Jurina

Instead of feeling fear, we feel something that's the complete opposite of it.

I wonder, "Huh? What is that aura enveloping me?"

Jurina follows, "An unknown power within?"

Christian states, "I have never felt like it before."

Bearwin just gets excited as he moves his shoulders.

"Yeah! My power! I can feel it~!"

Juniper just leers at his buddy, "Shut up, you soap model wannabe! Time to get serious!"


This is how the Burning Vigor Gauge, or BVG for short, works.

The BVG accumulates as you hit an enemy or get hit by an enemy.

The gauge has five levels.

The levels increase as you win more battles.

Once you fill up at least one level, unleash your Burning Vigor Attack!

BVAs get more powerful as the BV levels increase.

However, there is an ultimate Burning Vigor Attack wielded by each character.

Only by meeting certain conditions or finishing some quests can a certain character acquire this overly powerful attack!

Good luck in using your characters well!

Benoit's Burning Vigor Gauge now at Level 1!

Christian's Burning Vigor Gauge now at Level 1!

Juniper's Burning Vigor Gauge now at Level 1!

Bearwin's Burning Vigor Gauge now at Level 1!

Jurina's Burning Vigor Gauge now at Level 1!

Benoit chooses to perform his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Double Sinawali to Cross-Slash, on the Tin Can of Fear.

Christian chooses to perform his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Big Man's Prolonged Punch, on the Tin Can of Fear.

Juniper chooses to perform his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Finger Offensive, on the Tin Can of Fear.

Bearwin chooses to perform his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Infernal Balloon Animal, on the Tin Can of Fear.

Jurina chooses to perform her LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, All the President's Men, on the Tin Can of Fear.

Benoit unleashes his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Double Sinawali to Cross-Slash, on the Tin Can of Fear.

"A sevenfold strike! Haaaah! Double Sinawali to Cross-Slash!"

His LV1 Burning Vigor Attack deals 7 hits for a total of 477 damage.

Christian unleashes his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Big Man's Prolonged Punch, on the Tin Can of Fear.

"Lights out for you! Big Man's Prolonged Punch!"

His LV1 Burning Vigor Attack deals 558 damage.

Juniper unleashes his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Finger Offensive, on the Tin Can of Fear.

"Don't ya dare point yer finger at me! Finger Offensive!"

His LV1 Burning Vigor Attack deals 1 hit for a total of 476 damage. (The number of hits is calculated with the average level of all recruited characters divided by 10.)

Bearwin unleashes his LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, Infernal Balloon Animal, on the Tin Can of Fear.

"Time to float, nimrod! Infernal Balloon Animal!"

His LV1 Burning Vigor Attack deals 532 damage.

Jurina unleashes her LV1 Burning Vigor Attack, All the President's Men, on the Tin Can of Fear.

"Who says connections are bad, huh? All the President's Men!"

Her LV1 Burning Vigor Attack deals 8 hits for a total of 497 damage.

The Tin Can of Fear is knocked out.

The counter-terrorists win! That's us.

2642 EXP and 900 Double Pesos acquired.

Jurina leveled up, from Level 13 to Level 14!

Christian leveled up, from Level 14 to Level 15!


We five approach the three, who are indeed released from the haunted tin can's prison.

I start, "That's what you get for mixing romance with horror."

Nolan apologizes, "Sorry, I was just excited."

CJ just echoes her excitement.

"Good thing we have more allies."

Gershwin acknowledges, "Oh, yes! We have more people to fight together with!"

I then stand up and strongly declaim...

"And with eight people in our force, we can solve this mystery of who is the progenitor of all that bad luck that has been bothering us!"

We all make a high five as we resound...

"Go, TEAM!"


At this point, only a maximum of six allies are allowed in a battle.

The six who are involved share the experience points gathered after a battle, while those who are not will get half of those shared experience points instead.

We resume our exploration of the shop with the creepy aura.

There's a back door leading to the carpool.

After confirming it is safe to open, we actually open the door...

...and in front of us stands a delivery truck.

A truck that triggers nasty memories in both Juniper and Bearwin.

Juniper yowls, "Hey! That's the delivery truck that rammed into Bearwin and me!"

"What did you say?" Nolan inquires.

Christian explains, "I'll clarify. When we saw the two boys at a dirt road outside, they were unconscious. Plus, they had tire skid marks on their bodies. Therefore, what the two have said is true."

Bearwin can't contain his itch.

"I can't wait to have my payback on that %&^&$# driver!"

CJ calmly advises him, "Hey, please remember that revenge is not ours, but God's."

Just then, the truck's front driver door opens, and out comes a muscled humanoid demon with the especially horrifying aura.

He initiates, "Revenge, eh? Then you all must be the agents who have come to destroy The Movement! We live alone for our sole purpose: To submit all of those wretched people in Daig'digaia to our will!"

In reaction, I bluster, "No wonder I hate typical evil overlords in those RPGs. And in this world, there's this big, nasty org trying to force all into usually inhumane ways! We can all see this even from a mile away!"

The demonic driver just howls...

"And bow down to the true leader of Dillingtonlandia: Carmealla Gonzalvo! Because if you don't, you will all be dead now and forever!"


[Battle: Albureth Dementerre]

Party: Benoit, Jurina, CJ, Christian, Juniper, Bearwin

Benoit chooses to attack Albureth Dementerre.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Apoy, on Albureth Dementerre.

CJ chooses to perform her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies.

Christian chooses to attack Albureth Dementerre.

Juniper chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Albureth Dementerre.

Bearwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Albureth Dementerre.

Albureth Dementerre casts Pagkabulag on CJ. But CJ is not Blinded!

Benoit attacks Albureth Dementerre, dealing him 0 damage.

Christian attacks Albureth Dementerre, dealing him 41 damage.

CJ performs her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies, with an average of 92 HP restored.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Apoy, on Albureth Dementerre, dealing him 45 damage.

Juniper attempts to Steal Money from Albureth Dementerre.

"Say bye-bye to yer 91 double pesos!"

Bearwin attempts to Steal Money from Albureth Dementerre.

"Drat! I failed to steal!"

Benoit chooses to attack Albureth Dementerre.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Apoywa, on Albureth Dementerre.

CJ chooses to perform her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies.

Christian chooses to attack Albureth Dementerre.

Juniper chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Albureth Dementerre.

Bearwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on Albureth Dementerre.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Apoywa, on Albureth Dementerre, dealing him 663 damage.

Albureth Dementerre is knocked out.

The counter-terrorists win! That's us.

670 EXP and 430 Double Pesos acquired.

Buddha Beads acquired.

Jurina leveled up, from Level 14 to Level 15!


As he's about to perish, the demonic driver curses us all.

"Don't say you've won yet! You'll have to get through The Kotong King!"

Once he perishes for good, his lifeless body dropping down the floor...

A 2-second earthquake occurs. Luckily, no one is hurt.

Gershwin then discovers something.

"Look! There's a passage on that corner!"

Jurina hypothesizes, "Must be that earthquake that generated it."

Juniper, meanwhile, is curious about the demon's last words.

"But who's that 'Kotong King' that driver is talking about?"

Nolan answers, "The answer can be found there."


Meanwhile, in Carmealla Gonzalvo's Dungeon, which is somewhere within Dillingtonlandia...

A minion relays a message to the namesake mistress of the dungeon.

"Mistress Carmealla, we've got some bad news."

"What is that damn late-breaking news?"

"Ah... eh... eight teenagers are slowly advancing against our growing empire! They defeated the robot we placed at Padronas, and now they're plotting to kill the Kotong King! What's worse, they're led by a boy with sticks!"

"This really sucks! Now die, you miserable failure!"

She then shoots a laser beam at the minion from her pointer finger, reducing him to nothing but a useless pile of ash.


Once she deactivates her beam, she calmly states...

"Now that is a bad development indeed. This should be the time to call the Great Leader."

The mistress reaches for the Phone of Gloom, which is a diabolical-looking rotary landline phone, and dials a special three-digit code.

She immediately access the exclusive line as she starts...

"Hello, this is The Movement, Dillingtonlandia Chapter."

"And this is the Great Leader speaking. What's the latest?"

"A group of eight teenagers are slowly sabotaging our operations!"

"BULLS**T! Now I compel you... Enhance your powers so you will say bye-bye to those puny little runts!"

She can hear the sound of the phone being slammed down from the other end of the line, ending the call.

As she puts away the phone, she can only cackle...

"Now, you menacing stick boy, you and your friends will be turned into drumsticks! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!"


We eight make our way through the second floor, the topmost floor that also serves as the penthouse, via the hidden stairway that was unraveled by the two-second earthquake.

The floor's just nothing but a concrete floor and some concrete pillars, so I presume a proper second floor is in the works.

Once we all get into the other end of the floor, we fully know who's residing there.

I initiate, "A-ha! Kotong King, your time's up!"

Gershwin follows, "You can't spread your wings and become a butterfly!"

Jurina couples it with... "I'll give you something you'll never forget."

Nolan and CJ voice together, "The judgment of God on the wicked starts here!"

And so do Juniper and Bearwin, "We'll beat you to a pulp and we'll get your money!"

Christian concludes, "The strong Davids shall live and the weak Goliaths shall die."

A middle-aged man wearing a faux police uniform with a cape fit for a king appears in a tornado of counterfeit 1,000 double peso bills.

The so-called Kotong King announces to us all, "Bribe me and you'll become a part of the glorious Movement. Don't and you'll turn into meat mannequins I can manipulate!"

And we all know what to choose, right?


[Boss Battle: Kotong King]

Carmealla Gonzalvo's subordinate who is assigned to Shop 'n' Get Out. Steals money from intruders and uses it against them.

Level 13 | HP: 2400 | MP: 9999

Party: Benoit, Jurina, CJ, Christian, Juniper, Bearwin


Tong Collection will strip 10% of your money. Money Laundering uses the stolen money to deal physical damage on all targets.

Benoit chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Single Sinawali, on the Kotong King.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Apoywa, on the Kotong King.

CJ chooses to perform her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies.

Christian chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Big Man's Punch, on the Kotong King.

Juniper chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on the Kotong King.

Bearwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on the Kotong King.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Apoywa, on the Kotong King, dealing him 630 damage.

Kotong King casts Hanginwa on Jurina, dealing her 757 damage.

Christian performs his Innate Skill, Big Man's Punch, on the Kotong King, dealing him 359 damage.

The Kotong King is also Stunned, halting any actions for one turn.

Benoit performs his Innate Skill, Single Sinawali, on the Kotong King, dealing him 4 hits for a total of 348 damage.

CJ performs her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies, with an average of 90 HP restored.

Juniper attempts to Steal Money from the Kotong King.

"Drat! I failed to steal!"

Bearwin attempts to Steal Money from the Kotong King.

"Drat! I failed to steal!"

Benoit chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Single Sinawali, on the Kotong King.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Apoywa, on the Kotong King.

CJ chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Hilomwa, on Jurina.

Christian chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Big Man's Punch, on the Kotong King.

Juniper chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on the Kotong King.

Bearwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Steal Money, on the Kotong King.

Christian performs his Innate Skill, Big Man's Punch, on the Kotong King, dealing him 373 damage.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Apoywa, on the Kotong King, dealing him 624 damage.

CJ casts her Innate Skill spell, Hilomwa, on Jurina, healing her 1115 HP.

Benoit performs his Innate Skill, Single Sinawali, on the Kotong King, dealing him 4 hits for a total of 332 damage.

In his final breaths, the Kotong King bellows his discontent.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! You persistent bastards! Her Highness Carmealla Gonzalvo will continue destroying you!"

The Kotong King is knocked out.

The counter-terrorists win! That's us.

3938 EXP and 1500 Double Pesos acquired.

DHS Crest Shield acquired.

Benoit leveled up, from Level 15 to Level 18!

Jurina leveled up, from Level 15 to Level 18!

CJ leveled up, from Level 15 to Level 18!

Christian leveled up, from Level 15 to Level 18!

Juniper leveled up, from Level 15 to Level 18!

Bearwin leveled up, from Level 15 to Level 18!


One thing immediately goes to my mind as I've analyzed the Kotong King's last words.

"Carmealla Gonzalvo, eh? I wonder how Agaton Muller's doing?"

Bearwin asks me, "How'd you know that?"

"I've read a bunch of manuscripts about The Movement's recent moves. Here, let's read it."

I let my buddies see the entirety of the papers, which read...

April 23, 2002 Anno Daig'digaiae

We have already set up the robot at the top of the Padronas Twin Towers.

It has a function of creating a secret barrier in Shop 'n' Get Out and Pulanga Cave that only accepts very loyal subjects of ours.

This way, anyone who gets in the way of the process of spreading our spores in the whole of Dillingtonlandia will be halted.

At last, the Great Master's dreams of spreading the spores to this pathetic little world will come true!

And to you, my precious husband Agaton...

...you'll see firsthand the wrath I will unleash on this land we now call home!

CJ comments, "So... this is how it went..."

She then lifts her right hand, revealing a ring she wears on her ring finger.

The ring itself has a four-sided jewel in its center.

She beings channeling the power in her ring for a few seconds, and then...

"I'm... sensing... he... is in great pain..."

Nolan can only tell, "A victim of female domination misused for greed!"

Christian comments lamentably, "What a terrible act she had done. She and Agaton were a good couple, until..."

"No time for sentiments," Juniper wraps up. "All we must do is to bring her out of her misery! Let's go!"

And thus, we eight hightail it out of Shop 'n' Get Out.

Who knows what will happen to this store after we've defeated The Movement's agent here in Dillingtonlandia.

Hopefully, it will operate as a normal store again, with no more haunted items on sale.